Deck Review

“Accept what life offers you and try to drink from every cup. All wines should be tasted; some should only be sipped, but with others, drink the whole bottle.” ― Paulo Coelho

 Ethony's Money Magic Manifestation Cards ended up on my altar
Ethony’s Money Magic Manifestation Cards ended up on my altar

It’s review time! I got quite a haul at Reader’s Studio this year, and am also in the cool position to receive decks from publishers to review. I’m not mad about it. I haven’t had a lot o time lately (what with finishing my next book and all), but I wanted to knock these out and tell you what I think of them. 
I think I should also share that if I get a deck from a publisher that I don’t like, I won’t review it. I think that’s fair considering they send them for free. So if I get a deck that I think is just a complete trash can, you won’t ever see it on my page, and i won’t talk about it. 
What I WILL talk about is the fact that I reviewed a BUNCH of decks yesterday, and not one single one of them had people of color in them. What the everloving fuck. These are not old decks, and they’re not “classic” decks. I’ve stopped being surprised at this and now I’m just mad. Can we do better, deck artists? Can we try harder, publishers? Thank ya.

Ethony’s Money Magic Manifestation Cards

I got these from Ethony at Reader’s Studio, after opining to Ethony, “Girl, I seriously need to get that deck.’  Thanks, boo. These are brightly colored decks that have all sorts of lovely intention setting statements on them about money and security. Having just gotten into right relations with money myself, I love the idea of reinforcing my new positive relationship with this force that’s a huge part of my life. I asked Joe to pick one, and it’s on our altar right now. Lovely.

  • Artwork – simple and cheerful
  • Cardstock – Amazing
  • Diversity – N/A
  • Packaging – sturdy 

Small Spells Tarot Cards – Rachel Howe

I am not generally a fan of quirky art decks. I’m used to my RWS, thankyouverymuch. HOWEVER, I follow Rachel Howe on Instagram, and I really, really like her art. I love the simplicity of the designs and the colors that she chooses. They just work, and by ‘work’ I mean that the small spells that she created align with what the card is. They’re fun and silly and accurate. I actually got these for my husband in an Aries birthday box from House of Intuition. If he read tarot (so I bought myself a deck?) this would be his fiery Aries deck. (but I guess I have to keep them now. So sad.)

  • Artwork – Eye-catching and colorful
  • Cardstock – It’s okay. I would say middle of the road. 
  • Diversity – N/A
  • Packaging – The tuck box tore while I was opening it. you’re going to need a makeup bag for this one.

White Witch Tarot

This is a GORGEOUS majors only deck that I got because Andrew won it in the raffle at Reader’s Studio and I whined that I wanted it. See? Being a brat pays off on occasion. I’m starting to like majors only decks because the readings seem more intense and focused. The artwork is just beautiful and I found myself just staring at the cards, pulling details out of them and letting my mind wander. This isn’t for quick readings, but for meditations. 

  • Artwork – Gorgeous and ethereal and accurate
  • Cardstock – A+
  • Diversity – N/A
  • Packaging – Perfect. 

The Land of the Sacred Self Oracle 

Andrew McGregor created this odd, lovely deck and luckily, has a 12 week (free) course that helps you learn to navigate it. I like it, but I don’t know why. i’m not sure how to use it (so I’m taking the course) and I keep wanting to figure it out, but it’s strange and there’s a narwhal for some reason. I’m not mad about the narwhal, but I feel like I’m circling this deck before we become friends. *edit – I like things that make me curious. This is a lovely, curious deck.

  • Artwork – I don’t understand it (yet) but I like it.
  • Cardstock – the cards are big and the edges are rough, so it kind of hurt my hands a bit. 
  • Diversity – N/A
  • Packaging – Simple

Eight Coins Tattoo Tarot – Lana Zellner

I wasn’t surprised to find that Zellner was an architect – the lines of this deck are fantastic and the artwork pulls you toward it. Sneaky architect geometry. I have an appreciation for tattoos, so I was going to get this deck ANYWAY. Then I saw how pretty it is. Sold. This is another one of those quirky decks that doesn’t seem like it would read well at first, but then it does and we’re all happy about it. There are 82 decks, a spread sheet, and a BOOK. This book, you guys. I love her perspective on the cards, and I LOVE that the book is indexed. I can’t believe that every tarot book doesn’t do this. Especially mine. Too late to recall it? Damnit. I know that i’m going to be using this deck all the time.

  • Artwork – BEAUTIFUL
  • Cardstock – good. it’s a little hard at first (snicker) 
  • Diversity – None. boo.
  • Packaging – Good.

The Witchlings Deck and Book

I love Paulina Cassidy’s work, and this one is just adorable. It’s kind of like an oracle deck with a bonus magical spell at the end. This is going to come in handy during those times that I forget that I actually have agency over my own life, and can do more than pull a card for insight. I can pull a card and then DO SOMETHING. In a really cute way. 

  • Artwork – Quirky and sweet
  • Cardstock – Good and flexible
  • Diversity – None. Boo.
  • Packaging – Good.

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