Deck Review Interview

Look for the answer inside your question – Kristen – Over the Moon Oracles

 This card has been messing with my head for weeks. Nice one, Kristen!
This card has been messing with my head for weeks. Nice one, Kristen!

I followed otmoraclecards on Instagram because I was looking for new teachers. Not that there’s anything wrong with my old teachers, but I felt like knocking the dust off. I was so pleased to have found Kristen at Over the Moon Oracle cards. Historically, I’m not a fan of oracle decks, but her are just beautiful and they drew me in. She also makes her own decks, which I love. My friend, Beth Maiden, featured Kristen over at her blog, here, too. 

I think the thing that caught my eye about Kristen’s work is that it’s ever-changing. There are decks with pictures, with words, with faces, with skulls. her process is fascinating:

(1) Vision – I first get a vision in my head of the deck. Many times I get the idea or vision years before the actual deck comes along. 

(2) Inspiration – this is the reason why I make the deck. The inspiration for all of my decks is personal use, meaning I just make decks I like and want to use. Often it’s because I need a specific deck to answer certain questions or to use for an online class. 

(3) Artwork – I find artwork online through public domain stock photo sites, vintage photo collections, or old book illustrations. Or I make my own artwork using iPhone apps.

(4) Apps – I use iPhone apps to create all of my decks, editing the artwork and image for printing. 

(5) Prototype – I send off for a prototype deck.

(6) Review – I review the deck and do lots of readings with it to make sure it reflects my vision. I might make changes to the artwork or design at this stage. I typically have at least 6 decks in review stage at any given time. 

(7) Share – If others express an interest in the deck, I share it (publish it) through Printerstudio

All of these lovely tarot and oracle decks are creations of Kristen at Over the Moon

Kristen was sweet enough to fill out the LFT Questionnaire for us so we could get to know her better. Enjoy!

xo Lis

LFT Questionnaire

1. What you appreciate the most in your friends.

That they appreciate my weirdness.

2. Your idea of happiness.

Any combination of eating and watching usually does it for me.

3. Your idea of misery.

Being idle.

4. Where would you like to live?

I’m drawn to New Orleans, Sedona, and Hawaii.

5. Your favorite colors and flowers.

Color – red. Flower – Black-eyed Susan.

6. Your favorite poets.

Shel Silverstein and Paul Laurence Dunbar

7. Your heroes/heroines in fiction.

Milo from the book, The Phantom Tollbooth and Samuel J. Jackson in anything

8. What role does divination play in your life?

I’ve been doing divination for over 25 years so it plays a huge role in my life. I go into withdrawal if I can’t do a reading for myself at least a couple of times a week. I’ve read professionally and I love doing predictive readings but I tend to use divination tools mostly for self-discovery and personal insights.

9. Your heroes/heroines in real life.

Anyone who is struggling to thrive in this world, trying to make their dreams come true while staying true to themselves. That’s a monumental task.

10. What is your present state of mind?

I’m in a creative ebb right now which means I’m not actively creating a deck or much of anything else. At least not this week.

11. What is your favorite tarot deck or divination tool?

Cards. Pretty much any type of cards. I love tarot, playing cards, and oracle cards. I’m also getting more into Sibilla, Kipper, and Lenormand. 

12. Your favorite songs?

Anything by Etta James or Run DMC. I also enjoy the toning by Tom Kenyon on the Songs of Magdalen CD.

13. What is your favorite word?

Delicious. It sounds like it means.

14. What is your least favorite word?

I don’t have one. All words are powerful and beautiful.

15. What sound or noise do you love?

The sound of quiet in the morning when no one’s awake.

16. What sound or noise do you hate?

Loud, disruptive sounds shift my focus and energy quickly.

17. What turns you on?

Books. My iPad.

18. What turns you off?

Know it alls.

19. What is your favorite curse word?

Damn, as in “Read the damn cards.”

20. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

“Welcome back. You can rest now.”

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