Deck Review

“Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.” ― Robert A. Heinlein


I like to noodle around Instagram to find new tarot decks. I like decks with diversity, creative interpretations of the cards, and a sense of whimsy. I found the Hip Chick Tarot, by Maria Strom, checks all of those categories. 

The suits are renamed, here, with Majors, Create (Wands), Feel (Cups), Think (Swords), and Earth (Pentacles). I just love this – they’re intuitively connected with the suits so I won’t have to have a sticky note to remind me that Swords/Think. 

The artwork reminds me of the 70’s – kind of an Electric Company vibe. I have no idea why, but I just love it. I haven’t yet gotten a copy of this deck, so I don’t know about the cardstock yet, but I love the artwork SO much, it won’t be a deal breaker for me.

You can learn more about Maria below, and find her on Instagram and Youtube.




About me:

I’m an artist, card reader and cat lady. I have three cats: Pumpkin, Peanut and Rue. I was born in Portland, Oregon and now I live in Athens, Georgia. I grow tomatoes every summer.

 I love that she's wearing a hoodie
I love that she’s wearing a hoodie

Hip Chick Tarot came about because most of the people I read cards for are women. Often, in my Tarot practice, I’d find myself translating traditional male images and their meanings into ones that fit the psyche and experience of my female clientele, so I decided to create a feminist deck.

What do you appreciate most in your friendships?

People who “get me” and who are comfortable with themselves, so I can be comfortable around them. Those folks are priceless.

What’s your idea of happiness?

For me, happiness is the lack of self-preoccupation. It’s just being here without being all wrapped up in me.

What’s your idea of misery?

Being caught up in my head with miserable thoughts circulating.

Where would you like to live?

I love where I live now. I moved to Athens, Georgia from San Francisco a couple years ago. The big city was fun, but I love having a backyard and three cats. Out of all the places I’ve visited, I love Rome the most. If I lived there, I’d just walk around and soak up the art and history.

Your favorite colors and flowers?

Orange, olive green and aqua blue. I like the simplicity of daisies and the symbolism of bleeding hearts.

Your favorite poets?

Honestly, poetry isn’t my thing. I prefer prose.

Your favorite heroes/heroines in fiction?


Ester Greenwood in The Bell Jar comes to mind; I love her courage and honesty.

What is your present state of mind?

I feel calm with a little anticipation of excitement.

What is your favorite deck or divination tool?

I’d have to say Hip Chick Tarot. Lol

Your favorite song?

What a Wonderful World by Louie Armstrong.

What is your favorite word?

I have so many. But I really love the way “quagmire” sounds.

Your least favorite word?

Can’t really think of one.

What is your favorite curse word?


What sound or noise do you love?

The sound of a cat lapping water and rain on the roof.

What sound or noise do you hate?

The little beeps and buzzes of electronics can be annoying, sometimes.

What turns you on?

People who are secure enough to be open and okay with themselves. People who don’t need to impress.

What turns you off?

Gossip, self-preoccupation.

If heaven exists, what would you like to hear god say when you arrive?


Hey, welcome.

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