A few months ago, I started this thing called Hey, Cynova, where I answer questions that folks send in. (You can send in yours here)  They’ll be anonymous, and I will get to them as soon as I’m able. 

What I love about it is that I get to do readings for folks who might not have had a reading before, and the questions are so relatable, that more folks can benefit from them. Also, reading cards is my favorite thing in the world. 

This month, I’m going to share a couple of the questions here. If you’d like to see the rest, you can follow my @heycynova account on Instagram. I had to make a new IG account, because you guys crashed my website and it got super intense for a second.

Hey, Cynova,

How can I better connect with my higher self?

The best way to connect to your higher self is to be still and quiet, and then start asking questions. There are a few things that I’ve found can help in this quest.

  1. Call it a Quest. This is something that you’re embarking on – you’re looking for the piece of you that is closest to the Divine. Or Nature, Or whatever you want to call it. It’s motherfucking Quest Time.
  2. Are you looking for spiritual awakening? It sounds like it. There are a few ways to do this.
  3. If a spiritual community isn’t up your alley, try meditation and spirit guide journeys. You can find these online.
  4. Pray. Or talk to the Universe. I pray every day. I am not 100% certain that anyone’s listening, but I FEEL like someone is. And so I pray. 
  5. After finding the path you’re comfortable with, your Quest becomes a Journey. The point of the Journey is to do something every day that makes you feel connected to the Universe and to your community. Every. Day. 

That part of you that seeks your higher self is asking for connection. You can do this. Even under these conditions, there is a part of you who is seeking a teacher and a connection.  You can find them. Just don’t stop looking.



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