In working with Megan Potter’s money magic wizardry, we’ve had a lot of conversations about getting in right relations with money. People generally have some fucked up relationships with money – either being afraid of it, or ignoring it until they can’t anymore. I grew up fairly poor and have been poor-ish in one form or another for most of my life. The great thing was, my parents worked their asses off and we had everything we needed – so I didn’t know until later that money was tight. I paid for college myself and was a social worker for most of my working life, so I’ve always been right on the edge of broke ass broke.
Although my relationship with money has always been a little jacked up, I’ve always been grateful for what I do have. I don’t have to choose between food and rent anymore. I am grateful. I can donate to charities that mean a lot to me, and tithe to my church – I am grateful. I can do a lot of things that seemed permanently out of reach before, and I am so grateful.
As I get older, it seems more and more important to appreciate everything that I am blessed with. Almost as if it will go away if I’m not appreciative, you know? So rather than approaching money with fear and anxiety, I welcome it. Megan taught me a chant for when I receive a payment from a client.
Thank you. I love you. I am grateful. More please.
I say this every time I get a check. Every time money hits the bank, or I get an article published, or my partner gets a new gig. Thank you (Universe). I love you. I am grateful. More please.
I think that each part of that chant is important, but the last part – more please – is the most important. I am telling the Universe that I have learned every lesson I can about poverty. That I am worthy of a comfortable, stress-free existence. That the work that I do has value and that I deserve to be paid appropriately for my skills.
Here’s the fun part. Since I’ve started tracking my income and saying the chant after every sale? I’ve made more money from readings than I ever have before. Ever.
I think I’m almost in right relations with money. And you know what?
Thank you. I love you. I am grateful. More please.
xoxo Lis