
We’re Expecting!

Hi, nerds,

No, a star didn’t come up in the SW side of the Easternmost metro area in the middle-ish of Missouri in nearly the middle of the United States…


My husband, Joe, and my children, Frog and Axolotl, are welcoming two new kiddos to our family. (Well, technically adults)

BUT they were not given the opportunity to live authentic lives. They do not feel safe and supported in their homes, and they are lacking in three things:

  2. Being their authentic selves
  3. Money (It does help a bitch out)

Who are these kids and why should we care?


You don’t have to. I know I ask a lot of my newsletter crew, but it’s because you always find some coins under the couch cushions for me. 

These kids are not afforded the luxury of BEING THEMSELVES. They do not feel loved. They do not have the medical and psychiatric care that they need. 

Meet the new kids: 

  • Raccoon is a 19 year old trans man, who has been stuck with a deadname and living with people who do not respect his transition. He has missed a year of college to be sure that his deadname wouldn’t follow him. He does not feel safe in his house. He’s also amazing and Joe can palm his entire head with one hand.
  • Wolf is a young non-binary Black sweetheart who is nearly 20 and still has a tracker on their phone, are not allowed to be employed and are told terrible things about Black folks with different language. They are not allowed to have any privacy and do not feel safe in their house. They are also smarter than both Joe and me put together and that smile lights up an entire room. 

Joe and I have offered them everything ranging from help with a name change to legal adoption and insurance coverage. We are remodeling our basement into a private bedroom so we can have both of them at once if that’s what’s needed.

We are not going to give any specifics about the kiddos for safety’s sake. Don’t ask, please.

We are starting a fundraiser on June 1, and will have surprises for some of those who donate. Like a free reading or tarot class with me or my crew.

Anyway, since you’re amazing and are my OG Newsletter Folks, you get 50% off of all of my classes in Teachable.

Coupon code is BONUSKIDS2022

Here’s the Teachable site where you can pick your courses: https://into-the-tarot.teachable.com/courses

Please don’t share it, because I would be so disappointed.

Love you guys so so much!

Xo Lis

(Delivery is going to be a bitch)

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