
Protect Black Trans Women

Hey, guys,

I hope you’re all staying safe and ok. Be sure if you’re out protesting that you wear your mask and drink your water! You guys are my heroes.

I have gotten some feedback about veering away from Tarot in my newsletters this month. Let me explain.

While I’m happy to spend every other month of the year on tarot, how to read, general readings for you guys and whatnot, I’m choosing to use my platform to do some good. I can’t march, I can’t donate as much as I’d like, but what I CAN do is share this important information because it literally saves lives.

And honestly, if you don’t like it, you can unsubscribe. I won’t be mad about it. I am a part of this rainbow community. I love people who are in it, and it’s part of my moral code to help the folks who end up in the margins. It’s part of my job as a human being on this planet. So let me do my job.

This is Pride month, and most of the fundraisers and events have been cancelled, so this community needs our help. I’ll be doing this every June for the rest of ever, so best get used to it today.

This month, I wanted to share some information about the Trans Community, and specifically for the next two weeks, the Black Trans Community. 

I’m going to drop some facts on you right now, and they’re hard to read. Then, we’ll talk about how you can help.

  • Half of Black respondents who attended school expressing a transgender identity or gender non-conformity reported facing harassment.
  • Nearly half (49 percent) of Black respondents reported having attempted suicide.
  • Black transgender people had an extremely high unemployment rate at 26 percent, two times the rate of the overall transgender sample and four times the rate of the general population.
  • A startling 41 percent of Black respondents said they had experienced homelessness at some point in their lives, more than five times the rate of the general U.S. population.
  • Black transgender people lived in extreme poverty with 34 percent reporting a household income of less than $10,000 per year. This is more than twice the rate for transgender people of all races (15 percent), four times the general Black population rate (9 percent), and eight times the general U.S. population rate (4 percent).
  • Black transgender people were affected by HIV in devastating numbers. More than one-fifth of respondents were living with HIV (20.23 percent), compared to a rate of 2.64 percent for transgender respondents of all races, 2.4 percent for the general Black population, and 0.60 percent of the general U.S. population.

On a positive note, many Black transgender people who were out to their families reported that their families were as strong as before they came out. Black respondents reported this experience at a higher rate than the overall sample of transgender respondents. (source)

SO – How can you help?

  1. Have conversations with folks who might not be educated about the needs of the Black Trans Community. It’s not the responsibility of Trans folks to educate the ignorant.
  2. Donate locally. You guys know I’m a big fan of the Metro Trans Umbrella Group. Look in your area and ask how you can help.
  3. Be loud and proud as an ally. People are more likely to soften on an issue if they have a face to put with a cause. I’ve had a lot of conversations with friends and family (and clients) about this, and I can’t think of a single time it hasn’t helped.

This is the last week of our fundraiser for Metro Trans St. Louis and the Bail Project. I’m happy to report that we’ve raised over $1200!  Yay! Thank you guys so much. I hope you enjoy your goodies. 🙂

I’m working on a few decks right now and looking forward to the release of the Scorpio Sea Tarot – a deck I worked on with Maggie Stiefvater. She did the art, I wrote the book. Also, my book Kitchen Table Magic will be released in the fall, too!  Both are available for preorder!

I’ve got 9 copies of Kitchen Table Tarot left to Vandalize, then I’m going to stop forever. I’ll still sell autographed ones, but Vandalizing will probably get moved to the magic book. 🙂 

If you’re interested, you can pick them up here. I’ll take them off my website July 1.

Take good care. Xoxo!


EVENTS!!!  SOLD OUT – I’m doing readings with Queen of the Universe, Jenna Matlin! Join us on June 26th for a psychic gallery! Seating is limited, so get in now. 
ALSO – Ethony’s Tarot Summer School is on! You can use this code to become a student. This is a fantastic opportunity for tarot readers new and old. 

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