A to Z Blogger Challenge

U is for Unpleasant #atozchallenge

 Sometimes, life sticks Cheerios to your face and you just need to deal with it and move on
Sometimes, life sticks Cheerios to your face and you just need to deal with it and move on

I was going to write about Uusi, the company that makes the Pagan Otherworlds Tarot. This is an amazing deck and you should get it and also get all of the other stuff they make.

I decided to write about Unpleasant things because of facebook. And I’m a bit cranky this morning, so here we go, kids.

There is a thing on Facebook right now – you list 9 bands you’ve seen and one you haven’t and your friends have to guess which is the band you haven’t seen. I love bands and music. I love my friends. Facebook is meant to be a fun way to interact with your friends. 

AND YET. I keep seeing people being UNPLEASANT about this. Why? What is the point of sneering at other people’s fun. Don’t like it? Don’t engage. Don’t play. Shut up and sit over there and be a cranky pants on your own time. It’s not fuckin mandatory.

I could add something here about tarot readers, but I think this applies to everyone. I’mma tell you what I tell the kids.  And btw – my kids are 11 and 13 and don’t whine half as much as some grown-ass people I know. I’m just sayin. You ready?

Stop talking about shit that you don’t like. It’s easy, nihilistic and boring. 

Talk about shit that you DO like. That stuff is magical and will light up a room.

Now, go play with your friends and stop whining so goddamned much. Aunt Lis is has had it with your ridiculous negativity. Lighten the fuck up.

xo Lis

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