I used to do readings for folks at the drop of a hat. I could use the money, or I wanted the practice, or I just wanted to play with my cards again. A few summers ago, though, I found myself dreading the readings. I was tired, I’d been sick, and my life had gotten really busy. I’d also found that I was the Tarot Monkey at parties. I always had a deck with me, of course, so whenever I’d go to a friend’s house I would end up hearing, “Hey, Melissa reads tarot cards…” The rest of the party was me doing “Just one more reading.” 

In short, I was burned out. I was starting to resent the cards that I adored. So, I decided to take a break. In May, I put down my cards and closed up my website. I didn’t touch a deck of cards for three months. It was awesome. I didn’t miss it and I filled the time with my family and friends, reading books and taking naps. It was fantastic.

After the three months, I hung my shingle out again and found that I was once again in LOVE with the cards. My readings were super accurate and energizing, and I loved reconnecting with my clients.

In order to keep this from happening again, I’m careful to schedule myself a few nights a week and at least one weekend a month as reading free. It gives me time to recharge my batteries and insures that I won’t want to run from my cards again. 

The Point – don’t be afraid to walk away from your cards if you need to. They’ll be there when you come back. 

xo Lis

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