Clearly, I need more tarot decks to fill these bags. It's the only responsible course of action.
Clearly, I need more tarot decks to fill these bags. It’s the only responsible course of action.

So, when you first start reading and collecting tarot cards, it can be difficult to find storage for your decks that you really like. I have used Crown Royal bags (classy), banking bags, and cigar boxes in the past. I’ve also used scarves and once, I sewed one for myself. That went…poorly….because I can not sew. Regrettably.

A few years ago, a friend got me two makeup bags with my Little Fox logo printed on them. Genius. Makeup bags are the PERFECT size for tarot decks. They’ll stay closed and keep the deck safe and sound. 

THEN I found This genius subscription service gives you a makeup bag with samples or full size makeup thingers every month FOR TEN DOLLARS. Ten. SO you get some fun makeup AND a tarot bag for $10 a month. It’s flippin’ awesome.

You’re welcome.

xo Lis 😀

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