Book Review

Queering the Tarot by Cassandra Snow | Book Review

I got to know Cassandra Snow’s writing through Beth Maiden on I appreciated the stripped bare version of the cards seen through Cassandra’s eyes, and the reapplication of traditional tarot meanings to feminist, queer life. Her fantastic writing became this book, Queering the Tarot.

I was SUPER lucky to get an advanced copy from Red Wheel/Weiser of this fantastic book, and here is what I had to say about it.

“Taking the tarot cards that we all love, and peeling them back to their bones. From there, Cassandra Snow builds the cards a new form. One that speaks to everyone regardless of their gender identity, sexuality or gender expression. I have seen queer tarot cards save people’s lives. I have seen the impact that diversity and representation have in my community. I am delighted that this book exists, and encourage everyone – queer, straight or otherwise – to pick it up. “

Two queer thumbs way, way up.

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