Having handled tarot cards for 30 years makes you feel like the big guy here. Sometimes
Having handled tarot cards for 30 years makes you feel like the big guy here. Sometimes

I got an email a while back from a woman who said she’d just booked her first party and she was SO freakin excited. i was excited for her. I remember my first parties and how nervous I was and how i didn’t know what the heck i was doing. So I wrote her back something like this

Hey! That’s so great!  Have so much fun and don’t forget:

  1. Charge for travel time and get payment in advance.
  2. Bring a box of mints, a bottle of water, a backup deck, some hand wipes or antibac stuff, some almonds for a snack and a phone charger. Don’t forget business cards!
  3. Make sure someone knows where you are, and call that person when you’re on your way home. 
  4. You can ask to be moved away from the speakers, the bathrooms or the kitchen. You get to take breaks. It’s ok to go to the bathroom.
  5. If someone makes you uncomfortable, you can absolutely refuse to read for them.
  6. Benebell Wen published this awesome contract example – maybe give this a look, too. 
  7. You don’t have to listen to people talk shit about what you’re doing or about you. You’re working. People don’t get to fuck with you when you’re working. 
  8. DO NOT let people put their drinks on your table. Trust Auntie Mama on this one.
  9. Have fun, but do not drink or do the drugs, kids. You’re working.
  10. Put out a tip jar. You never know. 

Have fun, kiddo. I loved doing parties and I know you’re going to make me proud. Go kick some ass.

xo Lis


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