As I sit amongst the vendor tables at Reader’s Studio 2017, I remind myself that I DON’T NEED another tarot deck. I really don’t.
I got to hang out with Terry Iacuzzo last night, who I’m delighted to say has become a friend. She introduced her to her brother, Frank Andrews, who read for John and Yoko and has been reading for 50 years. He still uses his first deck. It’s held together by cellophane tape and prayer, but he has one deck and he still reads on occasion. I think that Terry has two decks.
I have like 75. That’s bananas. I use maybe 20 of them regularly. Now, one could argue that decks are the only thing I collect, and that they’re tools for my job. One could also argue that I’m a magpie and just want to die surrounded by tarot decks. Both are valid.
The point is that you don’t NEED a piled of decks. It’s not a competition. (IF it were, Mary K. Mothafuckin Greer wins. Trust me) Find a few decks that you trust and don’t worry about spending money unnecessarily.
xoxo Lis