Terry Iacuzzo is the first person to make me feel like I was not insane. She wrote a book in 2004 about her life as a psychic raised in a family of psychics. I know something about this. The way that she described picking up on information that she didn’t have access to, just *knew* …
Terry Iacuzzo
W is for wallet #atozchallenge
As I sit amongst the vendor tables at Reader’s Studio 2017, I remind myself that I DON’T NEED another tarot deck. I really don’t. I got to hang out with Terry Iacuzzo last night, who I’m delighted to say has become a friend. She introduced her to her brother, Frank Andrews, who read for John …
I is for Iacuzzo #atozchallenge
A few months ago, I picked up Small Medium at Large to read for probably the fifth time. The book was published 12 years ago, but it’s become one of my comfort reads. I was a weird kid, a strange teenager, and am an even weirder adult. One of the many reasons for this was …