A lot of the folks that read my writing are learning to read tarot. I would like for you guys to take an oath for me. We’ll call it the LFT Ethical Reader Oath. You ready?
I solemnly swear to use my books and tools until I am truly a competent reader. I will not call myself an expert until I honestly am.
I swear to be honest with myself and my clients, even when the truth hurts us. I will not take advantage of those looking for answers by telling them what they want to hear.
I will learn my history, but look forward to those changing the way. I will realize that we all do better when we all do better.
I swear I will treat my cards and person with respect, so that all of my readings ring with integrity.
I swear I will not be a dick to other readers, because gossip is stupid and says more about me than it does about others.
I swear I will charge for my readings – even if it’s barter. Even if it’s for a Coke or a dinner, because my time is valuable and I will treat it as such.
I promise, on my cards, that I will do my best to hold the metaphysical flashlight high for my clients and myself, so that we might see a little further down the road.
So mote it be.