A to Z Blogger Challenge

2016 Blogging from A to Z Challenge – Accepted.

A few years ago, Christina Majaski challenged me in two ways. First, she said that she loved John Stamos more than I did – which is obviously complete bullshit.  Then, she challenged me to partake in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge. And I did it. It sucked a little bit, but I got through it.

This year, my situation is a little different. I’ve spent the last year finishing my first book, and as I’m wrapping up the editing stage, I’ve noticed that I truly miss writing on my blog. They weren’t always long or terribly profound, but I enjoyed putting my thoughts down and starting conversations. 

So – April first, get ready for “A is for Animal Totem Tarot”. I’m going to be writing about tarot decks that I’ve got, problems I’ve run across in my business, and people that I adore. 



 No one will ever love you like I do, John Stamos. (especially Christina)
No one will ever love you like I do, John Stamos. (especially Christina)



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