My friend, Ryan, has this bad habit of showing me beautiful tarot decks. We are both members of the St. Louis Card Slingers – a very small (5) group of tarot nerds who meet monthly and geek out about tarot cards. He is also an artist whose Lenormand decks are available here, and who designed my logo.
So, Ryan, nice guy that he is, has impeccable taste. He dangles these amazing decks in front of me and you know, I’m only human! At least, this is what I tell my partner every time I buy a new tarot deck. Ryan posts this link of the Uusi Pagan Tarot KickStarter. I did my best to ignore it. I really did, but look at this!

It was clearly taunting me. Now, I don’t do reviews of decks unless I’ve put my little hands on them, so this is not a review. This is a “Holy shit, these are so beautiful” post, with an interview of the creators, Peter and Linnea. I have not seen the cards in person, haven’t touched them, and haven’t read with them. I have, however, backed the Kickstarter and am getting two decks for myself that I am NOT sharing. I’ll need another after I wear the first one out, I imagine.
I mean, LOOK at this:

Peter and Linnea were nice enough to fill out the Tarot Questionnaire for us, and I’ve attached a gallery of some of the cards that are available in the Pagan Otherworld Tarot. I also want to point out that this deck has 84 cards – not 78. The other cards include the Seeker card and cards that represent the phases of the moon. You can purchase the deck here.
Tarot Questionnaire Thinger:
1. What you appreciate the most in your friends. Their creative genius, sense of humor and loyalty.
2. Your idea of happiness. Our family, friends and our work.
3. Your idea of misery. The loss of freedom.
4. Where would you like to live? The Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
5. Your favorite colors and flowers. Blue and red for colors and Peter’s Grandma June’s hot pink, Sweet Pea flowers!
6. Your favorite poets. Rilke, Walt Whitman, Milton, Anne Sexton, Maria Howe…this list could go on and on….
7. Your heroes in fiction. Do you mean a character or a writer? For writers: Thomas Mann, James Joyce, Edward Gorey, The Brothers Grimm, Gene Roddenberry….another list that could go on….
8. Your heroines in fiction. Writers: Flannery O’Connor, Patti Smith, Maria Kalman….
9. Your heroes in real life. Peter: My Grandfather Hank Duchild because he truly knew how to value his family, life and work. Linnea: My Grandma & Grandpa Beckett because they created humble masterpieces of clothing, toys, furniture and games for us as kids, many of which I still have!
10. Your heroines in real life? We answered this together above 🙂
11. What is your present state of mind? A little overwhelmed, but happy.
12. What is your favorite tarot deck or divination tool? Love tantric paintings (for meditation), and the classic Marseilles and RWS tarots.
13. Your favorite songs? Ha!! Do you have a favorite grain of sand in the beach? There are so many!!! We can’t pick just one.
14. What is your favorite word? See above response 😉
15. What is your least favorite word? Like.
16. What sound or noise do you love? The wind in the trees. Our cat drinking water.
17. What sound or noise do you hate? Refrigerated trucks.
18. What turns you on? We don’t want to get kinky on you, so we’re going to say our work 😉
19. What turns you off? Laziness.
20. What is your favorite curse word? Peter’s Dad is a plumber so you don’t want to know :O
21. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? “What took you so long?”

Thanks so much for the time, guys. I can’t wait to get my beautiful decks! Thank you for making such gorgeous tools for us to use.
xo – LFT

**All images property of UUSI and recklessly filched from their Kickstarter page.