Temperance – She Talks to Angels – The Black Crowes I’ve had Suzi Dronzek (Starcana) featured on here a few times. Partially because she really knows what she’s talking about, and partially because she makes me laugh my ass off. 😀 I love fellow Sagittarian’s and she flipping kills me. I’ll let Suzi take it …
Death #tarotmixtapeplaylist #tarot
The guest DJ’s for the Death Card are Catherine Chapman and Valerie Sylvester! Thanks, Ladies. From Valerie: Long White Cadillac – the Blasters I chose this song for the Death card because of the urgency, the mystery, the imagery, the feeling of being propelled into unknown circumstances, and the idea of “summing up” or mulling …
We are our own dragons as well as our own heroes, and we have to rescue ourselves from ourselves. – Tom Robbins
SO, I’m tooling around on kickstarter, like you do, and what should I find but an awesome new shiny tarot deck! After some quick negotiation with my partner (Babe, pleeeeeease??? THANK YOU!) I got the cards. This is the Hirajeta tarot – named after the brilliant artist, Danny Hirajeta from Iron Clown Studios. Check …
…I live in my own flames sometimes burning too bright and too wild to make things last… -Charlotte Eriksson
Sometimes, when I’m feeling bored or antsy or writer’s block-y, I search for new tarot decks. Kind of obsessively. I’ve found the Linestrider Tarot and the Silhouettes Tarot in this way. I like supporting new tarot artists. I like finding something that makes me go, “Oh, holy shit!”. I love the new interpretations of the card, …
We need to act for the sake of a redemption that will be a mystery until it unfolds before us – Rachel Pollack
As I’ve mentioned here before, I started reading tarot cards before the internet. I know, right? I had one book for 12 years. One book. I read it and re-read it until the paper felt like cloth. I worked in a bookstore after college, and found one whole shelf of tarot books! I know, right? …