A lot of the folks that read my writing are learning to read tarot. I would like for you guys to take an oath for me. We’ll call it the LFT Ethical Reader Oath. You ready? I solemnly swear to use my books and tools until I am truly a competent reader. I will not …
A to Z Challenge
N is for Nervous #atozchallenge
I’m a nervous kind of girl. When I was a new reader, I remember having a mild freakout before each reading. That my readings were going to suck, and none of them would be accurate, and the client was going to rise up out of their seat and point at me, shouting, “J’accuse! Shenanigans!” I …
M is for Magician #atozchallenge
This is from the Pagan Otherworlds tarot by Uusi. Yes. You should get it. The Magician card in the tarot is about sass and competence. It’s important to remember something about magicians. They practice a lot. Each trick that looks effortless took hours and hours to perfect. There is no magic without a hell of …
L is for Learning #atozchallenge
I used my handy dandy tarot book for readings for a decade. Even for paid readings. Even for new clients. I told them that I was still learning and it was ok! I relied on it less and less, but the damned Two of Wands looks JUST LIKE the Three of Wands and it’s helpful …
K is for Kitchen Table Tarot #atozchallenge
I wrote this book! It’s a bit surreal, actually, but it’s out! I’ve gotten a lot of questions since it was published, so I thought I’d answer them for you. 1. What inspired the book? My friend, Suzanne, wanted me to teach her the cards. She lives in Canada, though, so it was tricky. I …