I got a copy of the Vivid Journey deck from Llewellyn for review and I busted it out to play with immediately. It’s a pretty good deck! Here is the review: Artwork – The artwork is just beautiful. It’s reminiscent of children’s books, and it felt very comforting. I liked the bright colors and smiling faces. …
A to Z Challenge
U is for Unpleasant #atozchallenge
I was going to write about Uusi, the company that makes the Pagan Otherworlds Tarot. This is an amazing deck and you should get it and also get all of the other stuff they make. I decided to write about Unpleasant things because of facebook. And I’m a bit cranky this morning, so here we …
S is for Shuffling #atozchallenge
When I do a reading for clients, I ask them to shuffle until they feel finished. This lasts anywhere for a few seconds to 10 full minutes. The client meditated over the cards for a long, long, time and used her pendulum to choose which stack to read from. It was…thorough. Other folks just rest …
R is for Relax #atozchallenge
My amazing friend, Byrne, sent me a note on Facebook this week after reading my book. (Did you guys know I wrote a book? I did. You can find it here. And here. And here.) She said that she read that book and I aligned the Swords with Air and the Wands with Fire and …
Q is for Queer #atozchallenge
When I first started doing readings professionally in the early 90’s, I still had to do the Pronoun Game with some of my clients. “So this person that you love, they have feelings for you but they aren’t able to…..” A few times, I would just stop in the middle of the reading and say, …