The Magician exudes self-confidence. He’s got all of the tools of the tarot in front of him – pentacle, wand, cup and sword, but he doesn’t need them. He has his own wand – usually pointing up and down, which calls to the Wiccan prayer, “As above, so below”. He is in control of the …
Not today. – Arya Stark #GoT #tarot
The second edition of the CinemaTarot Game of Thrones thinger. Now we talk about the Starks, and their transformation from a family who did things as they were supposed to be done, into a family that did what they had to when “supposed to” went all to hell. And we know who’s fault that was, …
It’s not easy being drunk all the time. If it were easy, everyone would do it. – Tyrion Lannister
In this edition of CinemaTarot, I’m going to mashup the characters from Game of Thrones (the show, not the Songs of Ice and Fire books – because it’s CinemaTarot, not LibraryTarot). I’m pretty sure every single one of my nerdy friends will have something to say about these, so let’s do this. This one is …
“Maybe I’ll Pinterest. I hear that’s a thing.” -Morello #OITNB #tarot
Round two of the Orange is the New Black / Tarot comparison. Here there be spoilers! I really have to get a better name for this. I hope you enjoy, and Game of Thrones is next. xo LFT
This year, I’m loving someone who deserves me…. Me. -Crazy Eyes #OITNB #tarot
I’m completely obsessed with “Orange is the New Black”. I read the book by Piper Kerman just before the first series came out, and I seriously stayed up speed-reading so I’d be finished by the time the show started. I love the casting, the characters, the fact that some silly FB quiz said that I’d …