Round two of the Orange is the New Black / Tarot comparison. Here there be spoilers! I really have to get a better name for this. I hope you enjoy, and Game of Thrones is next. 😀 xo LFT
PORNSTACHE! – This guy is the Knight of Wands (inv) all over the place. He’s driven by…wand. He is impulsive, impetuous and reckless. He is aggressive and callous. He’s a complete and utter bastard. Gotta love the stache.
Natalie Figueroa – The Devil – She not only embodies most of the seven vices, but she encourages them in others. S She finds people’s soft spots and exploits them to her own benefit. She is very smart, very manipulative and very driven. She’s got a secret candy drawer, uses sex as a weapon, and finds the weak spots of those who oppose her and stab them right in the middle of it. Yikes.
Daya – The Lovers – Daya’s intensity for John is outstanding. Let’s put aside for a second that this is a relationship that is very rape-y. She sees him as a way to not become her mother. She focuses her entire self on him, and then on their baby. This future that she needs is so important to her that she sabotages Pornstache (an admitted bastard) in order to keep the relationship with John safe. It seems that in her prison stay, all she can see is him. Wonder what will happen if he looks away?
Yoga Jones – The Star – Flawlessly gentle and unassuming. It seems that every bad thing that she’s done was an accident. Peaceful, pot growing hippie. Yoga instructor to the masses, and full of calm and peace. Even a violent outburst led the way to more peace for a new friend. Namaste, Yoga Jones.
Poussey – Knight of Wands – If Pornstache is the K. of Wands inverted, our dear Poussey is straight up. She is charming, confident and daring. She is a fierce friend, and is passionate even when that passion can get her into trouble. She is strong and smart and makes things happen
Big Boo – The Wheel of Fortune – Sometimes BIg Boo is on top, sometimes, not so much. She’s smart, but vindictive. She’s loving, but obsessive. She spins and spins and where she stops, nobody knows. She can be a fiercely loyal friend (who gives great presents!), or can stab you in the back because of hurt feelings. I think she’s one of the most complex and interesting characters on OINTB.
Sister Jane – The Hierophant – SIster Jane has had several incarnations of self in the show. She’s a student of faith, a celebrity in the church, an outcast of the church, and as a simple woman in prison. It’s funny, I think of her the same way I think of the Hierophant. Once you strip away all of the fancy trappings, you’re left with a simple person who holds the Key to happiness – the Key to knowledge. It’s a process to get there, but she’s doing beautifully.
Miss Rosa – Judgment – Miss Rosa is surrounded by hard choices. In her past, she made a huge decision to rob banks and it defined her entire life. The Judgment card doesn’t always mean you make the right decision. Her choice was followed with excitement and heartache in equal measure. Her present reflects her free will and that she’s living her life while ill without letting it define her. The future? That’s just badass. Whatever happens, it’s because she decided that the choices in her life were unacceptable, and essentially, she ran right over them.
Chang – Death – I love Chang. Seriously, she might be my favorite character. She doesn’t speak often, but has such impact when she’s around. She is completely separate from the inner workings, gossip and drama that plagues the rest of the gang, but when she’s involved, she changes everything.
This is so awesome. I’ve just finished watching the second season of this series and I loved it. You’ve matched the characters to the perfect cards
And what a great impulsive move from miss Rosa. I cheered when I saw that! 😀
I did, too! Love Miss Rosa. Thanks for the nice compliments. Stay tuned for more Cinema-Tarot