Hey, guys,

October is my favorite month for all sorts of reasons. Even though this year is different, it’s still my favorite. The weather stops being unbearably hot, and the leaves are gorgeous. There is a settling in to sweater weather that makes me all kinds of happy.

This week, I’m going to teach you a quick and easy prosperity spell.

In housekeeping, there are still tickets available for the Kitchen Table Gathering. You can find more information here.

I’ve got 14 copies of Kitchen Table Magic left to sign, and then I’m out. And! There are some events coming up.

Tomorrow at noon cst, I’ll be teaching a small class with Pathways STL about Kitchen Table Magic. You can sign up here. All proceeds will go to St. Louis Metro Trans.

On October 20th at 6pm cst, I’ll be talking with Maggie Stiefvater about the Scorpio Sea Tarot for Wellesley Books. You can sign up for this one here.

NOW – On to magic.

Prosperity starts with the eradication of scarcity thinking. If you walk around thinking that you don’t deserve better, you’ll miss your opportunities because you’re looking down too much. SO this exercise is almost wholly mental.

First, think about your life. What do you need that would make it easier? A new car? $500? What is it specifically that you need right now?

Fix the idea in your head. Imagine that you’ve received it. That no one was harmed for your gain. Think about what your new car smells like. What you’ll do with the money. Imagine all of the details.

Remind yourself that you deserve good things. That this is something that is natural and welcome.

Write on a post it note “Thank you. I am grateful. More please”

Fold the post it three times (towards you) and then three times again. put it under a candle and light it.

When you receive your Thing, don’t forget to say thank you again.

Let me know how it goes!!

xo Lis

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