This month, we’re going to talk about tarot basics. A lot of my students have never touched a tarot deck before we sit down together, and I’ve compiled some of their questions together for you guys. Feel free to send any questions you have.
The biggest question that I get is HOW do you do a reading. Not spiritually or emotionally, but actually physically doing the reading. I’ve broken down how I do a reading below.
Just remember that the way you do readings is entirely up to you.
This is for in-person readings. I’m going to cover phone and email readings next week.
- I ask the client to shuffle the cards. I’m not precious about my decks since I use them so often. I ask them to shuffle until they feel like they’re finished.
- This gives folks a chance to breathe and relax before the reading.
- I ask them to cut the cards if they want after shuffling.
- I pick them up and turn them so that I read them the way that they were facing the client.
- After I lay them out, I tell the client what the spread means – the back row is past, middle row is present – etc.
- I start with the past, and tell the story of where they’ve been, then where they are, and where they’re likely going.
- After we talk about these cards, if there is anything we haven’t covered, we ask specific questions, I shuffle, and lay out three cards. I tell the story of these three cards and then we talk some more.
I find it’s best (for me) to do readings without any info at the start. I had a conversation with my hero, Rachel Pollack, about how she reads (since I learned from her books) and she always, always gets a question. It just depends on what makes you the most comfortable.
Remember to breathe. Remember to tell the person you’re reading for (I say client – doesn’t have to be) how long you’ve been reading and if you’re still using your book. I used to say, “I’ve only been doing this for a year so if I get stuck, I’m going to grab my book.”
If you don’t have a book, don’t worry! I wrote my book Kitchen Table Tarot so you can learn to read with your own voice and get questions to all of your answers.
Check it out here!