Pop Goes the Tarot

“And from now on, I don’t care if my tea leaves spell die, Ron, die — I’m just chucking them in the bin where they belong.” ― J.K. Rowling

 Harry Potter Edition
Harry Potter Edition

I worked in a bookstore when the Harry Potter books came out, and fell in love immediately. I re-read them every July, read the first five aloud to my kids (who said they could finish by themselves, sniffle) and am fairly versed in the Potter-verse. For the next installment of Pop Goes the Tarot – Harry Potter. OH – and because I couldn’t stop, I went ahead and picked characters for the Minor Arcana, too. 

xo Lis

All images copyright of Warner Bros Studios and found on the internets.

  Harry Potter - The Fool.  Whether he wanted the role or not, the Boy Who Lived fulfilled his role as the Hero. He followed the Fool's Journey until its end.
Harry Potter – The Fool. Whether he wanted the role or not, the Boy Who Lived fulfilled his role as the Hero. He followed the Fool’s Journey until its end.

  The Magician - Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore . One of the smartest and most capable wizards in history, who always had something up his sleeves. (sometimes a lemon drop, sometimes Machiavellian tendencies)
The Magician – Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore . One of the smartest and most capable wizards in history, who always had something up his sleeves. (sometimes a lemon drop, sometimes Machiavellian tendencies)

  The High Priestess - Sybill Trelawney . She foresaw the coming of the chosen one who would overthrow the Dark Lord. Unfortunately, she was only correct in her Divination three times, but they were great times. Particularly when she said that Umbridge was in grave danger. *snicker*
The High Priestess – Sybill Trelawney . She foresaw the coming of the chosen one who would overthrow the Dark Lord. Unfortunately, she was only correct in her Divination three times, but they were great times. Particularly when she said that Umbridge was in grave danger. *snicker*

  The Empress - Molly Weasley  - The Empress is a woman who is comfortable with herself, who makes others comfortable around her. She has seven children, several bonus children, and has managed to hold on to her smile throughout hardship. She makes do, and makes things work. 
The Empress – Molly Weasley – The Empress is a woman who is comfortable with herself, who makes others comfortable around her. She has seven children, several bonus children, and has managed to hold on to her smile throughout hardship. She makes do, and makes things work. 

  The Emperor - Rufus Scrimgeour.  He has removed all emotion and has settled into a serious job. The Minister of Magic is a serious man, and understands that feelings can be distractions. He focuses on what he can control.
The Emperor – Rufus Scrimgeour. He has removed all emotion and has settled into a serious job. The Minister of Magic is a serious man, and understands that feelings can be distractions. He focuses on what he can control.

  The Hierophant - Xenophilius Lovegood   Life was easier for Luna and her father when everyone thought they were crazy. Xenophilius spent years of his life researching and studying the arcane knowledge that was pushed aside, and when our trio need an answer, he's the one they go to. 
The Hierophant – Xenophilius Lovegood Life was easier for Luna and her father when everyone thought they were crazy. Xenophilius spent years of his life researching and studying the arcane knowledge that was pushed aside, and when our trio need an answer, he’s the one they go to. 

  The Lovers - Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin.  They crash into each other so hard, it makes ripples in the world and changes it forever. 
The Lovers – Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin. They crash into each other so hard, it makes ripples in the world and changes it forever. 

  The Chariot - Madam Rolanda Hooc h - The referee for the Quidditch matches and the flying instructor for the students. 
The Chariot – Madam Rolanda Hooc h – The referee for the Quidditch matches and the flying instructor for the students. ” Well, what are you waiting for?

  Strength - Ginny Weasley.  The only girl among six brothers, there is nothing soft about Ginny Weasley. She is tough, she is a feminist, and she lends her strength to her friends. She's a lot like her mother.
Strength – Ginny Weasley. The only girl among six brothers, there is nothing soft about Ginny Weasley. She is tough, she is a feminist, and she lends her strength to her friends. She’s a lot like her mother.

  Hermit - Severus Snape  - Whether he's a sinner or a saint, or just a broken hearted fool who believed in the wrong people, there isn't a lonelier character than Severus. He keeps his head down and does what he needs to do.  Alone.
Hermit – Severus Snape – Whether he’s a sinner or a saint, or just a broken hearted fool who believed in the wrong people, there isn’t a lonelier character than Severus. He keeps his head down and does what he needs to do.  Alone.

  The Wheel of Fortune - Potions Class  - Are you going to blow yourself up (Seamus) or create liquid luck? Hard to say, but it's a fair bet that Seamus is always going to blow himself up.
The Wheel of Fortune – Potions Class – Are you going to blow yourself up (Seamus) or create liquid luck? Hard to say, but it’s a fair bet that Seamus is always going to blow himself up.

  Justice - Hermione Granger  - from making the boys finish their own homework, to becoming an activist for House Elf Rights, Hermione has a bead on what is fair, and what is not, and makes Justice her life's work at the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, where she continued looking out for the little guy.
Justice – Hermione Granger – from making the boys finish their own homework, to becoming an activist for House Elf Rights, Hermione has a bead on what is fair, and what is not, and makes Justice her life’s work at the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, where she continued looking out for the little guy.

  The Hanged Man - Cedric Diggory  - The golden boy was sacrificed so that no one could ignore the return of the Dark Lord. He became a martry and a rallying point for Dumbledore's Army.
The Hanged Man – Cedric Diggory – The golden boy was sacrificed so that no one could ignore the return of the Dark Lord. He became a martry and a rallying point for Dumbledore’s Army.

  Death - Sirius Black  - For most of his life, Sirius was an agent for change. His friendships changed his life, his alliances changed history, and his release from prison shifted everything once again. His death changed Harry back to who he was before - alone and without a real family.
Death – Sirius Black – For most of his life, Sirius was an agent for change. His friendships changed his life, his alliances changed history, and his release from prison shifted everything once again. His death changed Harry back to who he was before – alone and without a real family.

  Temperance - Minerva McGonagall  - She is unerringly fair, strict and rule abiding. Except when it's time to break the rules. If you're going to have someone on your side, make it McGonagall.
Temperance – Minerva McGonagall – She is unerringly fair, strict and rule abiding. Except when it’s time to break the rules. If you’re going to have someone on your side, make it McGonagall.

  The Devil - Dolores Jane Umbridge  - She is the Devil because she has no outside forces influencing her to be cruel. She is cruel because she is. She is so convinced of her right-ness that she will torment and torture others to get them on her side. She is the Devil in a pink, fluffy cardigan.
The Devil – Dolores Jane Umbridge – She is the Devil because she has no outside forces influencing her to be cruel. She is cruel because she is. She is so convinced of her right-ness that she will torment and torture others to get them on her side. She is the Devil in a pink, fluffy cardigan.

  The Tower - Cornelius Fudge -  You can only hold your hands against the Tower and deny that it's falling for so long. You will walk away with bloodied hands caused by ignorance. 
The Tower – Cornelius Fudge – You can only hold your hands against the Tower and deny that it’s falling for so long. You will walk away with bloodied hands caused by ignorance. 

  The Star - Rubeus Hagrid  - He is a true friend, and a soft place to land. He is loyal and kind and gentle, and he shines brightly for his tribe.
The Star – Rubeus Hagrid – He is a true friend, and a soft place to land. He is loyal and kind and gentle, and he shines brightly for his tribe.

  The Moon - Tom Riddle  - Raised in fear, he grows his power in fear, and then rules by fear.  And its fear that takes him at the end.
The Moon – Tom Riddle – Raised in fear, he grows his power in fear, and then rules by fear.  And its fear that takes him at the end.

  The Sun - Ron Weasley -  Even when his faith is shaken, it's the love of his friends that brings him back to them. He always has Harry's back (even when they're not speaking) and he always sees the silver lining. (Unless there are spiders)
The Sun – Ron Weasley – Even when his faith is shaken, it’s the love of his friends that brings him back to them. He always has Harry’s back (even when they’re not speaking) and he always sees the silver lining. (Unless there are spiders)

  Judgement - Arthur Weasley . He manages to raise a family, keep his head down and become accomplished at work, fight in the Order of the Phoenix, look after Harry like a father, and still maintain joy. His unerring view of the people around him - their strengths, their weaknesses - makes him clear headed and reliable.
Judgement – Arthur Weasley . He manages to raise a family, keep his head down and become accomplished at work, fight in the Order of the Phoenix, look after Harry like a father, and still maintain joy. His unerring view of the people around him – their strengths, their weaknesses – makes him clear headed and reliable.

  The World - Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry  - One of the quietest characters in the series (except when her soldiers fight for her) Hogwarts becomes a stronghold for all things good. It's the place that children become adults, and wizards choose their alliances. For some, it's the first home they've ever known. Still waiting for my letter, Ms. Rowling.
The World – Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry – One of the quietest characters in the series (except when her soldiers fight for her) Hogwarts becomes a stronghold for all things good. It’s the place that children become adults, and wizards choose their alliances. For some, it’s the first home they’ve ever known. Still waiting for my letter, Ms. Rowling.

I chose a character for each of the Minor Arcana as well. I do have a reason for each of these, and will go back to add them as time allows.

Ace of Swords    Rowena Ravenclaw
Two of Swords    Luna Lovegood
Three of Swords    Cho Chang
Four of Swords    Poppy Pomfrey
Five of Swords    Lucius Malfoy
Six of Swords    Aberforth Dumbledore
Seven of Swords    Draco Malfoy
Eight of Swords    Narcissa Malfoy
Nine of Swords    Frank and Alice Longbottom
Ten of Swords    Moaning Myrtle
Page of Swords    Neville Longbottom
Knight of Swords    Bellatrix Lestrange
Queen of Swords    Augusta Longbottom
King of Swords    Alastor (Mad Eye) Moody

Ace of Pentacles    Godric Gryffindor
Two of Pentacles    Helena Ravenclaw
Three of Pentacles    Dobby the House Elf
Four of Pentacles    Griphook
Five of Pentacles    Peter Pettigrew
Six of Pentacles    Horace Slughorn
Seven of Pentacles    Fred and George Weasley
Eight of Pentacles    Percy Weasley
Nine of Pentacles    Olympe Maxime
Ten of Pentacles    Pomona Sprout
Page of Pentacles    Hedwig
Knight of Pentacles    Lee Jordan
Queen of Pentacles    Arabella Figg
King of Pentacles    Dean Thomas

Ace of Wands    Salazar Slytherin
Two of Wands    Amelia Bones
Three of Wands    The Three Broomsticks pub
Four of Wands    The Great Hall
Five of Wands    Peeves
Six of Wands    Angelina Johnson
Seven of Wands    Firenze
Eight of Wands    Argus Filch
Nine of Wands    Colin Creevey
Ten of Wands    Kreacher the House Elf
Page of Wands    Gellert Grindlewald
Knight of Wands    Dudley Dursley
Queen of Wands    Fawkes
King of Wands    Garrick Ollivander

Ace of Cups    Helga Hufflepuff
Two of Cups    James and Lily Potter
Three of Cups    Antioch, Cadmus and Ignotus Peverell
Four of Cups    Petunia Dursley
Five of Cups    Helena Ravenclaw
Six of Cups    Ariana Dumbledore
Seven of Cups    Gilderoy Lockhart
Eight of Cups    The Pensieve
Nine of Cups    Fleur Delacour
Ten of Cups    The Sorting Hat
Page of Cups    Seamus Finnigan
Knight of Cups    Nearly Headless Nick
Queen of Cups    Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank
King of Cups    Filius Flitwick

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