A to Z Blogger Challenge

Y is for Young Reader #atozchallenge

My daughter, GIrl Child, is 12. We were talking last night while rocking out to Green Day (she has excellent musical tastes). She said, “You’re 41. You’re not old, and you’re not young. You’re not quite middle aged so what would we call you? Mid-aged? Near Mid Aged?” I suggested we call me 41 and leave it there. 

It did get me thinking, though. I’ve been reading tarot cards for 27 years –  longer than I have not. Since I was 14, actually. So I wanted to reach out to the younger readers with some advice that I wish I’d had.

  1. You can buy your own deck. You really can. Please stop waiting for someone to gift it to you.
  2. You can use the book as long as you need to.
  3. You don’t have to become a professional tarot reader. You can just read.
  4. Some of the tarot people you’ll find online are complete idiots.  Be discerning.
  5. Some of the best tarot books are over 50 years old – look at your history.
  6. Be creative, inventive, authentic – your interpretation of the cards is just as valid as anyone else’s.
  7. Invest time in your online or IRL tarot community. They’ll always have your back.
  8. Please don’t forget to have fun.

My first book, Kitchen Table Tarot, is being released from Llwellyn in January. Check it out for more advice and lists and a bit of sass. 

xo LFT




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