For my city, St. Louis, this card is pretty timely. Peace and Justice….Peace and Justice – xoLFT I always thought that the Justice card was male, but then I did some research and found that it’s based on Athena. If you look at the card – there is NO water. This is a bit unusual …
The Chariot #tarot #tarotmixtapeplaylist
I always find it interesting that his steeds have no reins. He’s driving the chariot through willpower and that’s it. This card is about being In Control. You got this. You are confident, resourceful and savvy. He’s got No Reins in his hands – the imagery is pretty important because it implies that the driver …
The Lovers #tarot #tarotmixtapeplaylist
The important figures here are the man and woman. Naked and beautiful and drawn to each other. The word that comes to my mind when I see this card is*magnetic*. Have you ever looked at someone and immediately felt your heart drop into your shoes? Have you ever felt so compelled to touch someone that …
The Hierophant #tarot #tarotmixtapeplaylist
I think that the key to the Hierophant is this – underneath all of those fripperies and layers is the Truth. You have to work to get to the Truth. You have to search to find the Keys – and then you open the door and there’s usually another door waiting for you. It’s never …
The Emperor #tarot #tarotmixtapeplaylist
With the Emperor, it’s good to remember that the difference between being an effective leader or a tyrant is that when you’re a leader, people don’t wince while you’re talking. The Tarot MixTape Playlist selection for our Emperor is “I Am a Rock” by Simon and Garfunkel.