Wrapping things up at the Northwest Tarot Symposium. This was the first year of NeWTS, and I have to say, it was fantastic. Of course, this was my first conference, so I might be biased. I got to learn and talk to some of the people whose books and writings helped me learn how …
The Hanged Man #tarot #tarotmixtapeplaylist
The Hanged Man is, to me, about potential energy rather than kinetic energy. It’s healing, becoming prepared to act, observing – this isn’t the stillness of one who is lazy or afraid – this is the stillness of someone collecting their resources and getting ready to act. The song I chose for The Hanged Man …
Strength #tarot #tarotmixtapeplaylist
The Strength card is about persistence and composure. I see this come up often in readings where the Querent will need to use really good manners – really put people at ease in order to move things along. Not strong like bull, but strong as in, “I can do this.” It’s about squaring your shoulders …
The Wheel of Fortune #tarot #tarotmixtapeplaylist
This card is about karma. It’s about good things happening and luck turning around. This is a great card to have in a reading, but if you’re a reader, it kind of sucks. It can be ambiguous, and it’s hard to get a clear direction. I just say, “Everything is going to be ok. I …
The Hermit #tarot #tarotmixtapeplaylist
The Hermit is a card about being alone – It’s not about being lonely. There is a big difference between alone and lonely. Have you ever gotten frustrated because no one around you can see what you see? No one is hearing you and you need to go sit and be still so you can …