Jake and I just put out a newsletter this morning, and I have new news already. Jake is my graphic designer and cohort, and he’s the one who designed this lovely website you’re looking at. Thanks, Jake! So, the new news is that I got an email from Barbara Moore yesterday telling me that Llewellyn …
The World #tarot #tarotmixtapeplaylist
The World – one path ends, another begins. The world spins and spins. My guest DJ for the World is the amazing Theresa Reed. Let’s do this: Drop The World by L’il Wayne. The World is about completion, an ending, a chapter coming to a close. When I heard this song, these lyrics grabbed my …
Judgment #tarot #tarotmixtapeplaylist
The guest DJ for the Judgment card is Theresa Reed. Theresa is here and has lots of new goodies on her site for readers and clients. Spend some time there, you won’t be sorry. And I’ve got nothing to add to Judgment. What a beautiful story -thank you for sharing it, T. I’ll Follow …
The Sun #tarot #tarotmixtapeplaylist
There really isn’t a lot you can say about the sun. It shines. It makes things warm and chases the shadows away. It brings definition and growth to everything it touches. Dan Pelletier from Tarot Garden chose “I can see Clearly Now” by Johnny Nash. My choice is the Beatles “Here comes the Sun”. It’s …
You must imagine your life. And then it happens. – John Irving
I started writing a tarot book about three years ago. It was kind of half-assed, if I’m honest. I turned it into a manual, ignored it for a while, sent part of it to a publisher (which they properly declined) and then ignored it again. But it kept bothering me. I had this half written…thing…sitting …