The more you do tarot readings, the more you realize that there isn’t just one question and one answer in a reading. Example – A woman calls and says that she ran into her ex and wants to know if there is potential there. Is the answer Yes or No? I don’t think so. After …
A to Z Challenge
T is for The Bonefire Tarot
So, I have discovered that I have a superpower. This has been a long time in the making. I’ve gotten tarot books and decks for review before, and I even write reviews for muggle books in my spare time. I have developed relationships with a few publishers, and am very careful to be respectful of …
Z is for Zero #atozchallenge
The Fool, number Zero in the tarot, is my favorite card, and the Shadowscapes deck is one of my all time favorite decks. I have this print next to my bathroom mirror and I see it every morning. It reminds me to move forward even when I’m afraid. That the only thing holding me back, really, …
X is for Ex #atozchallenge
First of all, I totally failed the A to Z challenge, because it’s May, but I’m no quitter, so you get three more posts to finish this off. 🙂 One of the questions I receive most often from clients is, “Will he/she/they come back?” This is kind of a gallows-humor joke among readers, because it …
W is for wallet #atozchallenge
As I sit amongst the vendor tables at Reader’s Studio 2017, I remind myself that I DON’T NEED another tarot deck. I really don’t. I got to hang out with Terry Iacuzzo last night, who I’m delighted to say has become a friend. She introduced her to her brother, Frank Andrews, who read for John …