So, turns out, an active sedition attempt will 100% put me off my game productively . I even tried to be all like “Hey, perhaps I should ride my bike” but honestly, sitting upright has been a challenge. I’m trying to wrap my brain around the fucked up stuff that’s been going on in my country, but I just can’t. In the middle of a goddamned pandemic, that’s gone on for a really long time (wear a goddamned mask) and it’s just too much sometimes.

So I’ve spent the last few days in kind of a mental health rehab. I’m doing ok – honestly, I am. But I’ve not been on the phone, or leaving the house unless I’m with Joe. Just kind of making my world a soft safe place. I’ve never burnt so many goddamned candles.

And I have been eating – ok. I mean, we did get fast food for breakfast before grocery shopping, but it was either that or chew on my own hand for sustenance. I was super hungry. I figured the mental stress of beating myself up for only eating “right things” was worse for me than the actual hashbrown. I think I’m right, too.

So, Day 8. I moved my body today. I ate a healthy breakfast. I also ate a bunch of these yummy things from Trader Joe’s because they’re good and I felt like it.

xoxo Lis

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  1. I made a protein shake for breakfast and then had some dark chocolate. One of my FB groups had someone post how are you keeping yourself well right now? With tear emojis and I told her I was allowing myself to be upset and after I got off work I was going to email my congress members and tell them what PoSs they were. Asking yourself for more than you can give is the quickest route to despair ever evented
    Hugs back

    1. Yup – sounds like a great mix for breakfast. We do what we can do and we breathe and get through it. No one said we had to get through it beautifully.

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