Ugh – ok. I’m doing it. I know that this isn’t the right attitude for a new year lifestyle shift, but I’m fucking tired. The corona has been running wild for nearly a year now, and I’ve got severe “give a damn” burnout.
Today was the first day of WellCynova, which is a program that I’m doing this year so I can be healthy and not use a stupid cane anymore.
Some background. I nearly died having both of my kids. With my daughter, I had diabetes insipidus, congestive heart failure and pulmonary edema. After her birth, my asthma got really bad. With my son, I had kidney and liver failure, pregnancy related tachycardia, and sepsis like 7-8 times.
So after they were born, the kidney problems continued with kidney stones every month or so for 12 years, causing my back to hurt all the time. Plus, asthma. So I just became less and less active until things like “Standing” and “Walking around” became super hard. I know that being a stack of curves isn’t a bad thing, but it’s clearly impacting my happiness and health, so I gotta change.
I’m using the tarot to do this. Here are the rules of my Plan.
- Exercise every day (I rode a recumbent bike for 11 minutes! That’s huge for me)
- No fast food
- Drink so much water
- Do extra with each card pull of the day
- Write a little bit each day.
SO – my card pull of the day was the Knight of Wands. In addition to my bike riding, I also stretched for like 10 minutes, which is something I never do. It felt great. Why do I not do this more often.
The tarot rules are (if you want to follow along at home):
Wands – do one more physical thing
Swords – Read an article about health
Cups – Do something that makes me happy
Pentacles – Meditate
Major Arcana – Figure out which card means what as I go along.
NOW – I’m going to finish a puzzle and catch up on Grey’s Anatomy with my fella. Because I live on the edge.
I do want it noted that I ate an apple today instead of chips. Rawr.
I needed something like this, someone like you, to follow along with. I am jumping on this plan. We appreciate you!
I love this! I just stopped drinking, and my plan is also to get healthy this year. I’m borrowing your cards, and most of your plan, too. We can do this!!
We can do this. 
I plan to follow long and take inspiration from this. My sister and I are doing a Dry January which is going okay so far. Congrats on moving your body and skipping the chips.