
Here’s to the magic of choosing your future. – Theresa Reed

Hey, there.  Time for another Tarot Questionnaire.  I gotta tell you, this is gonna be killer  Theresa Reed is the James Brown of the tarot – the Hardest Working Woman in Divination.  Just when you think she’s finished producing amazing stuff (e-books, business lessons, tarot classes, dear god she never stops).  she brings out something new and more importantly – useful.  If it weren’t for her Soulful Proprietor retreat, I would have hung up my tarot cards.  Truth.  Here we go:

 She's looking right into your soul, you know... 
She’s looking right into your soul, you know… 

                                                THE TAROT QUESTIONNAIRE

1.  What you appreciate the most in your friends.

A:  Honesty.  It’s always the most important quality in any relationship.  If I know where I stand with someone, I feel secure.  There is nothing worse than a relationship without trust.  

2.  Your idea of happiness.

A:  A deep massage, Grey Salt Caramels from Indulgence, healthy relationships, decadent meals,  financial security and doing work that I love.  Throw in a few good cats and a bottle of wine and I’m blissed out to the max!

3.  Your idea of misery.

A:  Being lied to. Injustice. Fighting and drama. Any hint of cruelty.  I like peace and kindness. I would also find being a roofer in 95 degree heat to be extremely miserable. How do those guys do that?

4.  Where would you like to live?

A:  I like where I live right now.  But if I had a second choice, I’d pick San Francisco. The weather is amazing and I just love Green Apple Books.  I’d live right next door.  

5.  Your favorite color and flower.

A:  Black is my favorite color and I adore roses!

6.  Your favorite poets.

A: I prefer rappers over poets.  I love Tupac Shakur and Eminem.  That’s poetry, right? (It’s absolutely poetry- LFT)

7.  Your favorite heroes in fiction.

A: I’m not really a fiction girl but I guess I’d have to say Robin Hood!  Rob from the rich and give to the poor?  Yes!

8.  Your favorite heroines in fiction.

A: Hmmm…Hello Kitty.  Does that count? (totally counts-LFT)

9.  Your heroes in real life.

A:  My husband and my son.  They are strong, capable men and beacons of integrity.  I can trust them both 100%.

10.  Your favorite heroines in real life?

A:  My daughter.  She’s an introvert like me but she gets out of her comfort zone all the time.  She’s currently jamming in Spain and bumming around Europe alone!  

11.  What is your present state of mind?

A: I just got a massage so I’m kinda Zen.

12.  What is your favorite tarot deck or divination tool?

A: I prefer the Rider Waite Smith because it’s so damn reliable. 

13.  Your favorite songs?

A: OMG that is a hard one.  I love “Head On” by the Pixies, “The Killing Moon” by Echo and the Bunnymen, “NWO” by Ministry, “Cuts You Up” by Peter Murphy, “Work Hard Play Hard” by Wiz Khalifa, “I Fink You Freeky” by Die Antwoord, “Hustler” by Rick Ross, “The Man Who Sold the World” by David Bowie, “Like a Boss” by Slim Thug.  I LOVE music and am always on the hunt for good new tunes but those are some of my favorite songs of all time.  

14.  What is your favorite word?

A: Monkey.

15.  What is your least favorite word?

A: Panties.  Ewwww…..

16.  What sound or noise do you love?

A: My cats purring. 

17.  What sound or noise do you hate?

A: Loud eating.  That makes me NUTS.

18.  What turns you on?

A: Honesty + wit.  And also long hair.  I go apeshit for men with long hair.  Jared Leto is doing it right these days.  OMG. (Editor’s note:  Jared Leto cut his hair and jacked his eyebrows after this interview was completed.  LFT)

19.  What turns you off?

A: Dishonesty + cruelty.  Bad oral hygiene. Bigotry in any form.  

20.  What is your favorite curse word?

A: Cunt.  Sorry, it’s vulgar but I love it!

21.  If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

            A: There is unlimited wine inside.  Oh, and Jared Leto is waiting to meet you. (see above note re: Leto- LFT)

Thank you, Tarot Lady!  You can find Theresa at  She’s also on Instagram and Twitter, and has brand new ebook:  How To Read Tarot Under Any Circumstance

And an amazing Professional Mystic’s Guide series:



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