A couple of years ago, I was sitting next to the as-yet-unknown-to-me Shannon Loftis a the Northwest Tarot Symposium. We were told to take our tarot decks out for the exercise and she pulled out this gorgeous, square tarot deck that I’d never seen before. What the hell. I began annoying her immediately. Where did …
The magician and the politician have much in common: they both have to draw our attention away from what they are really doing. -Ben Okri
Gotta respect a fellow who wears a snake for a belt. The Magician in tarot is a confident guy. He’s got to be – we’re his audience. He’s got all of his tools laid out before him and chooses his own magic wand and his finger to work with. He’s electric – kinetic, even. He’s …
In my view, tarot is a wonderful tool for accessing the power of story, for examining the personal in light of the mythic and archetypal, for re-writing endings and creating new beginnings. – Marianne
I found Marianne from Two Sides Tarot on Instagram. I’m in love with tarot and with artists, and seeing the tarot displayed as art – welp. I’ve got a crush on Marianne. She’s got a fantastic website with deck reviews, interviews and insight into the cards. I’m always astounded by folks who email, asking why …
Read like the Devil – Camelia Elias
I found Camelia Elias in a roundabout way. My friend, Ryan Edward, artist and cartographer extraordinaire, took classes with her a few years ago, and they became friends. When Ryan and I got together, I would get to learn second-hand about Camelia’s view of the cards and reading and the world, and I became fascinated. …
The Divine loves us and wants us to be happy – Barbara Moore
One of the best parts of publishing Kitchen Table tarot with Llewellyn is that they ask if I’ll review books, decks and calendars, and then they SEND THEM to me. I know, right? So I did receive this calendar for review, but honestly, it was already in my Amazon list. This calendar is reminiscent of …