Showing: 11 - 15 of 73 Articles

The magician and the politician have much in common: they both have to draw our attention away from what they are really doing. -Ben Okri

Gotta respect a fellow who wears a snake for a belt. The Magician in tarot is a confident guy. He’s got to be – we’re his audience. He’s got all of his tools laid out before him and chooses his own magic wand and his finger to work with. He’s electric – kinetic, even. He’s …

In my view, tarot is a wonderful tool for accessing the power of story, for examining the personal in light of the mythic and archetypal, for re-writing endings and creating new beginnings. – Marianne

I found Marianne from Two Sides Tarot on Instagram. I’m in love with tarot and with artists, and seeing the tarot displayed as art – welp. I’ve got a crush on Marianne. She’s got a fantastic website with deck reviews, interviews and insight into the cards.  I’m always astounded by folks who email, asking why …

Read like the Devil – Camelia Elias

I found Camelia Elias in a roundabout way. My friend, Ryan Edward, artist and cartographer extraordinaire, took classes with her a few years ago, and they became friends. When Ryan and I got together, I would get to learn second-hand about Camelia’s view of the cards and reading and the world, and I became fascinated. …

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