After the Tower falls, the dust flies around and we feel exposed. The Star steps in to take our hand and tell us that everything will be okay. I’ve got two songs for the Star card. Shine by Anna Nalick speaks to the getting up and dusting yourself aspect of the Star. There is …
The Tower #tarotmixtapeplaylist #tarot
The Tower – not a great card, but I don’t think it’s really a bad one, either. I think that it levels you – but sometimes that’s exactly what you need. My song for the Tarot MixTape Playlist is “Born on Fire” by Ike Reilly. It’s about those people who are born to make …
May your future follow your highest wishes – Carrie Paris
You guys, I got to interview Carrie Paris again! This lady is prolific She’s released several sets of oracle charms, the Legendary Lenormand, and coming soon – the Relative Tarot. The best thing about Carrie is that, well, she’s Carrie. One of the nicest, most genuine people I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet. Carrie …
The Devil #tarotmixtapeplaylist #tarot
The Devil card – one of the tarot card whose raw meaning is even worse than the oogie-boogie devil featured on most cards. Hopeless. Chained. Addicted. Yikes. Theresa Reed is our first guest DJ for the Devil. AntiChrist Superstar by Marilyn Manson. How can you NOT think of Marilyn Manson when you think of The …
Today is about letting go. Enough with standing still and wading through obstacles. Break through and make it happen. -Zaheroux
I found a new deck! On Etsy, of all places. Who would have guessed that you can get knitted Jayne hats and tarot decks from the same place? Nice. Anyway, it’s a black and white deck, which I’ve never used before. I was concerned about that, but the pictures were so engaging, I thought I’d …