Alchemy, baby. Hey, nerds, The Magician card is all about alchemy. Taking energies from their various sources and working with them to create a specific outcome. This is the definition of magic, after all. In the pentacle, one of the magical tools that lies on the Magician’s table, the circle surrounds a star made of …
The magician and the politician have much in common: they both have to draw our attention away from what they are really doing. -Ben Okri
Gotta respect a fellow who wears a snake for a belt. The Magician in tarot is a confident guy. He’s got to be – we’re his audience. He’s got all of his tools laid out before him and chooses his own magic wand and his finger to work with. He’s electric – kinetic, even. He’s …

M is for Magician #atozchallenge
This is from the Pagan Otherworlds tarot by Uusi. Yes. You should get it. The Magician card in the tarot is about sass and competence. It’s important to remember something about magicians. They practice a lot. Each trick that looks effortless took hours and hours to perfect. There is no magic without a hell of …