Karen asked how information came through when I do readings. I’ve been thinking about this for a few days, and I think the best way to explain it would be with stories. All names were changed to protect my clients, as well as identifying information. Once upon a time, I was giving readings at a …

Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain’t going away. ― Elvis Presley
Maybe the dark things that live in the corners of my brain aren’t so scary after all? Maybe I can take them out and let some light shine on them. That’s the Sun card. Everything is moved into the light. I get an image in my head of the sunshine reaching into the darkest, …

Love is the ultimate outlaw. It just won’t adhere to any rules… – Tom Robbins
The Lovers. Aw, come on. What a gorgeous image. The sun is shining high and bright, the Angel of Outlandish Headgear is giving a blessing, with its own fog machine, The Tree of Knowledge (complete with serpent) one one side and a burning bush on the other. Hello, overt Biblical references! How ya doing. You …
Where’s that from? My brain! -Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
Wow, insomnia made me go stupid. I was on the Twitter last night, because it was either that or stare at the ceiling and try to think of all of the languages in which I can swear (four, including ASL). And I read this thinger that said, “I challenge you to blog every day for …
Those who know, do. Those that understand, teach – Aristotle
I was looking for a quote for this little blog jobber, and I kept looking at this one. I know the Tarot well. I’ve been studying it for over twenty years. It’s a passion, it’s my job, it’s a hobby, and it’s part of me. Do I understand it, tho? That’s what’s drawing my eye. …