Thanks, BP for your suggested for today’s blog. I’d been wanting to talk about the High Priestess, but couldn’t figure out how to fit it in. And here we go. I wrote about her here, but she’s such an interesting card, I thought I’d give it another go. One of the things I like about …
T is for the Tarot MixTape Playlist. #atozchallenge
I’ve gotten a few requests for the return of the Tarot MixTape Playlist, and two demands to know where it went in the first place. So, here it goes. For those who don’t know what I’m talking about, I and several of my tarot buddies chose a song for every card in the tarot …
R is for Reader #atozchallenge
I have new business cards. They were designed by my friend, Ryan, who is a wonderful artist and a tarot addict like me. We were working on my website last year, and he said, “Ok, well, what should we call you?” The first thing that fell out of my mouth was “Reader”. I’m a Reader. …
M is for Mind Your Manners #atozchallenge
I’ve been thinking about tarot etiquette, and I think I’m extremely lucky in this department. Other than just a few incidents, people have been respectful of me and my cards. Just in case, though, here is a list of bad tarot manners. Don’t touch my cards without asking me first. It makes me stabby. Please …
D is for Don’t Tell Me Anything Bad, Ok? #atozchallenge
One of my favorite movies is called “French Kiss”. The main character, Kate, has to face a lot of her fears, and her knight in (slightly dented) shining armor is Luc. This is one of their first conversations: Kate: Do you believe in love? The kind that lasts forever? Luc: I loved my mother. Kate: …