The important figures here are the man and woman. Naked and beautiful and drawn to each other. The word that comes to my mind when I see this card is*magnetic*. Have you ever looked at someone and immediately felt your heart drop into your shoes? Have you ever felt so compelled to touch someone that …
The Hierophant #tarot #tarotmixtapeplaylist
I think that the key to the Hierophant is this – underneath all of those fripperies and layers is the Truth. You have to work to get to the Truth. You have to search to find the Keys – and then you open the door and there’s usually another door waiting for you. It’s never …
The Emperor #tarot #tarotmixtapeplaylist
With the Emperor, it’s good to remember that the difference between being an effective leader or a tyrant is that when you’re a leader, people don’t wince while you’re talking. The Tarot MixTape Playlist selection for our Emperor is “I Am a Rock” by Simon and Garfunkel.
The Empress #tarot #tarotmixtapeplaylist
If the High Priestess is Persephone, the Empress is her Mama, Demeter. Lush surroundings, flowers everywhere, stars in her lovely hair. Can refer to pregnancy, delight, desire, sexuality, fertility and sensuality. Bow chicka bow bow. This lady is warm, enveloping love. It can refer to pregnancy when it comes up in a reading, so be …
High Priestess #tarot #tarotmixtapeplaylist
With the High Priestess, you know that the answers will not be easily won. This card frustrates and fascinates me. When I see it in a reading, I tell the client to look deeper, ask questions, trust your intuition and mind your manners. There is a proper etiquette to asking the Universe. You have to …