This card is about karma. It’s about good things happening and luck turning around. This is a great card to have in a reading, but if you’re a reader, it kind of sucks. It can be ambiguous, and it’s hard to get a clear direction. I just say, “Everything is going to be ok. I …
Oh, Theresa Reed. You’re so damned awesome. Look what you’ve started…
A few months ago, I’d kicked around the idea of leaving the tarot business entirely. It seemed to be a hobby that was almost big enough to be a second job, but didn’t have the steam to make it. I wanted to spend more time with my family and felt like I was spinning my …
Boy Child #Tarot – The Fool
My little guy – who is 9 – asked me to teach him how to read tarot cards a few weeks ago. I quickly gave him the deck he was gifted when he was born (The Baseball Tarot) and promptly burst into tears. Yeah, I’m that mom. Boy Child is exceptionally sensitive to those …
Everything is a miracle. It is a miracle that one does not dissolve in one’s bath like a lump of sugar. -Pablo Picasso
I have a confession to make. When I was young(er) and unfamiliar with the internet, I started a tarot facebook page. I got all excited and added a bunch of people that sounded really interesting and into the same stuff I was. People named RiverFlower NightRaven and whatnot. It sounded cool. I was interested in …
I bear a charmed life. – W. Shakespeare
I am a tarot girl – it’s even in the name. I’ve been reading cards since I was 14, so…25 years. I’ve seen oracle decks in the past and have completely ignored them. Not for me. Those weird Motherpeace Tarot that are round? Nope. Runes – no. I-Ching – nope. Spirit boards- no, thank you …