Book Review

“A room without books is like a body without a soul.” ― Marcus Tullius Cicero

Book review time!  I’ve finished Book the Second, and have had time to catch up on my reading. Here are some short reviews of the lovelies I’ve just finished: The first and third books were sent to me by Red Wheel/Weiser, and the 2nd one was from my friend, Leeza. 
Tarot: Plain & Simple – Leanna Greenaway
It is what it says it is. Very simple. It’s got card meanings, reversals, key points about each card and exercises for you to do. This is a beginner book. It also says it’s the only tarot book you’ll ever need, and I’m not sure about that bit. For a beginner, to learn the cards though? Solid.
Tarot Reversals – Leeza Robertson
I love this book and really wish I’d had it when I was learning. This isn’t just “what is it when your card is upside down”. It’s never ever that black and white, which is why reversals are tricky to learn. Leeza has these five different ways to interpret the cards. 
Blocked, Protection, Mirror, Shadow, Retrograde
One of the only books I’ve seen that has such depth in looking at reversals. Gotta pick this one up.
Crystal Gridwork – Kiera Fogg
This book is just lovely. I found out about crystal grids because my son started making them under his bed without knowing what they were. He just said that putting the rocks there made him feel better and sleep well. That’s pretty much the job of a crystal grid. It’s placing your intentions into the crystals to be a battery/power grid for you. 
There is an explanation of how to use the grids, and a ton of samples of Love, Romance, Protection, Motherhood – so many different ways to use this lovely tool. 

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