A few months ago, I’d kicked around the idea of leaving the tarot business entirely.  It seemed to be a hobby that was almost big enough to be a second job, but didn’t have the steam to make it.  I wanted to spend more time with my family and felt like I was spinning my wheels.  I remember very clearly, however, the day that Theresa posted about her Soulful Proprietor workshop being almost sold out – I registered immediately.

I’m not quite sure what made me do that.  I think that it was a last-ditch effort to see if this reading thing was really for me, or it was the Universe putting a well-deserved foot in my ass.

The point of this is, if Theresa Reed suggests something – do that thing.  If she posts an event, a product, a retreat, a workshop – go do that thing.

 The Tarot Lady giving us some farewell juju after an amazing retreat.
The Tarot Lady giving us some farewell juju after an amazing retreat.

This post is not just to fangirl over Theresa, but to make a salient and encouraging point to other people in the CardSlinging Wackadoodle Club (we’re going to have an fb page soon!).  There is a need for our services.  There is enough room for everyone to thrive.  We are collectively pretty awesome.  

I had some housekeeping to take care of when I first got back from the retreat, but pay attention to the website.  I’m hitting my stride now. I’ve made some changes on the home page and added an email reading offer.  Other changes coming up?

I’m glad you asked:

  • New format and organization for the blog
  • I’m going to finish the TarotMixTape Playlist, Keva
  • Advanced Tarot class
  • More Boy Child tarot offerings
    • (any blogs based on my son are done with his permission and on his learning pace, so don’t even try to push me on this.  I know they’re cool, random person who wrote me, but he’s 9 and not a performing monkey)
  • Giveaways!  Seriously, guys.  I have so much stuff.
  • Interviews!  One scheduled already with someone I’m quite the smitten kitten with
  • Collaboration with other Tarot Badasses
  • I promise to try to figure out how to do a newsletter, so I can further reduce my Facebook presence.  I’ll try, guys.

So, in conclusion, THANK YOU, Theresa, for being there for us and for getting me so excited about what I can do.  


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  1. To all of this I say
    You are and will be brilliant Melissa. Can’t wait for your newsletter 😀

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