
“When the first baby laughed for the first time, its laugh broke into a thousand pieces, and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies.” – JM Barrie

I received an invitation to review the Hezicos Tarot by its creator, Mary Griffin. It’s really delightful. I love the little sprites and dragons and playful energy of the cards. I’ve been reading with it for about a week, and my only criticism is that the court cards are portrait/heads instead of full body pictures. I don’t know why this bothers me, I think because I like the full scene drawings so much, that the head-only pics (although beautiful and informative) are incongruous. It might also be difficult for new readers to read right out of the box. You need to get to know them first. That said, this deck reads well for me. The card stock is good and the artwork has lots of little things hidden inside that lend themselves to the card interpretation. This would be a great deck for kids or for people who like a little bit of whimsy in their readings. Two thumbs up. : )

One of the things I liked the most about this deck was the clear evidence that Mary knows tarot. These cards are not ‘guesses’ or ‘close’ to the meaning of the cards. They ARE correct. The interpretations are creative interpretations of what can’t change in tarot. I love that. 

Mary was nice enough to do the LFT Questionnaire for us! You can find her deck and artwork here. She’s quite a prolific artist! You can find more of her work here, and examples in the gallery below. Thanks so much, Mary!

xo Lis

LFT Questionnaire

1.       What you appreciate the most in your friends.          

Laughing and being there when you need advice or give advice and a hug.
2.      Your idea of happiness.            

Playing on the beach with my grandchildren, children and our dogs then off to have a hot chocolate in the beach café.

3.     Your idea of misery.          

Seeing and reading on the news all the children and animals neglected and badly treated in the world.
4. Your favorite colors and flowers.      

Favourite colour is purple. Favourite flower Fox Glove.
5.       Your favorite poets.    

Don’t have any particular one.
 6.   Your heroes/heroines in fiction.      

Same as above.
7.   What role does divination play in your life?      

I have been a tarot reader for over twenty years and always grateful that I have been shown so many amazing things and met some incredible people. It took me over two years to create and illustrate my tarot deck The Hezicos Tarot and I would not have been able to do this without my tarot background, which I never take for granted.

8. Your heroes/heroines in real life.            

Too many to list.
9. What is your present state of mind?      

Great, very happy and grateful for everything I have.

10.   What is your favorite tarot deck or divination tool?                    

That is rather difficult to answer as I have many decks and have no real preference for one in particular, am very connected to my Hezicos deck. I like using the pendulum as well.

11.  Your favorite songs?                  

No particular favourite, love most music especially dance and trance.
12. What is your favorite word?                  

 13. What is your least favorite word?      

 Don’t have one.

14. What sound or noise do you love?      

Birds singing, my one year old grandson laughing and rain.
15. What sound or noise do you hate?      

Loud radios playing on the beach!!!!!

 16. What turns you on?                                

New paintbrushes, pencils and paints, chocolate                                                                            cake.
   17.What turns you off?                                

The offal know as tripe, revolting.

18. What is your favorite curse word?            

Don’t have one.
19.  If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?  

“Hi Mary….the coffee is brewing and the seven dogs and nine cats you rescued all those years ago are waiting for you”


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