
I feel 100% myself… and that authenticity translates into sessions with my clients.- Dee Fells

I started following Dee Fells on Twitter because her handle is Tarot & Snark, which are two of my favorite things in the whole universe. Since finding her, I’ve also found that she has a great relationship with the cards, is always striving to learn more, is political (like me) and is funny as hell. Clearly, we’re destined to be friends. She has also tried to put me in right relations with Babybel cheese, but failed. Bless. I remain obsessed.

Anyway, check out my tarot sis and give her a call for a reading. She has this amazing thing. I’ll let her describe it:

This year, I’ve launched a coaching and tarot service to change folks’ relationships with goal achievement and the ever-so-icky New Years resolution. It’s called For Goal Diggers only and is available for purchase by the quarter or for the year. The program boasts extensive access to me in the form of tarot readings for each quarter, a coach call or email at the end of each quarter, workbooks for self discovery, pace setting, and accountability, as well as guided meditations and affirmations. It’s a lot of coaching with a ton of value and starts at $89. I’m also having a January sale of 17% off all services and readings, this one included.

Thanks, D. xo!


 Ack! She's so pretty! 
Ack! She’s so pretty! 

LFT Questionnaire

1. What you appreciate the most in your friends.

Their ability to understand that my absence is only indicative of my need to recharge. That I love them no less & that they allow me to be… me. 

2. Your idea of happiness.

Is more metaphorical, I think? Happiness to me feels like warm sunshine peeking through my blinds as I lay in bed on a quiet Sunday morning. That peace and fulfillment is everything. It also feels like bottomless mimosas. 

3. Your idea of misery.

I’ve lived it— it’s a life and existence without love… of and from others… of and for self. 

4. Your favorite colors and flowers.

Purple. Olive green. Turquoise. Black… gotta have black. Lol. My favorite flowers are peonies, orchids, & sunflowers— in that order. 

5. Your favorite poets.

Nikki Giovanni & Pablo Neruda. 


6. Your heroes/heroines in fiction.

Beatrix Kiddo. Maria from Maria Full of Grace. Maggie from Conversations with the Fat Girl. Albus Dumbledore. 

7. What role does divination play in your life?

A huge role. I’ve been divining since before I realized my ability… aka since childhood. It’s like breathing to me… more natural than many could likely ever fathom. Divination helps me make sense of my world and the people within. It calls for me to ignore ego and listen to where and how I’m called.

8. You’re heroes/heroines in real life.

My late grandmothers. Though only present with me in spirit now, they’re absolutely my heroines. 

9. What is your present state of mind?

One of peace and happiness. Determination. It’s crazy because 2016 took me to crazy lows. Yet, here I am… happier than ever. More at peace than ever. Hopeful. Optimistic. 

10. What is your favorite tarot deck or divination tool?

My favorite deck at present is the Linestrider Tarot. We are literally joined at the hip most times. 

11. Your favorite songs?

Stevie Wonder-As

Maroon 5 – Secret

Bilal – When Will U Call

Mariah Carey – Babydoll, and

Three 6 Mafia – Pussy Got you Hooked. Seriously. 

12. What is your favorite word?

Manifest. It’s not only my favorite, but one of the most important to me. 

13. What is your least favorite word?

No. I’m learning to forge a better relationship with it. 

14. What sound or noise do you love?

My dad’s singing. Nothing in the world like it.

15. What sound or noise do you hate?

Excessively loud eaters. It makes my fuckin blood boil. 

16. What turns you on?

An appreciation and acceptance of diversified cultures. A nicely dressed man. Acceptance of my… not so “common” lifestyle. Great taste in music and wine and food and a really good set of hands to massage me with.

17. What turns you off?

Ignorance without the desire to understand or learn.

18. What is your favorite curse word?

Such a huge toss between bitch & fuck. Man. I can’t choose.  {might I suggest fuck,bitch? -LFT}

19. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

“You’ve made me proud.”

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