
My goal is to refrain from being a dull person. – Sarah Kate Buckles

There is a bar in St. Louis called The Fortuneteller Bar, and it kind of rediscovered itself, weirdly. As the owners were rehabbing the bar, they found the old sign that identified it as The Fortuneteller, and they ran with it. It’s a beautiful space on newly revitalized Cherokee Street in St. Louis City. The food is good, the bartenders are great, and they’ve got an extra service you won’t find in most other bars – they actually have fortune tellers. Good ones.

 See? It even photographs in black and white. (that's a lie. sorry. It's really in color)   
See? It even photographs in black and white. (that’s a lie. sorry. It’s really in color)  

The bar itself feeeeeels old. You know what I mean? Not like one of those New-old places with a pub kit of some kind that they use to make it seem old. It feels like you’re stepping into another time. There are taxidermied animals (RIP, Mr. Fox) and dark wood and witchy artwork and beards as far as the eye can see. It’s really lovely.

Sarah Kate is partners with one of the owners, and is also in charge of all of the Fortune Telling that goes on in Bar. She is smart, deep, magical and mystical. She is also funny as hell and has one of the best smiles I’ve ever seen in my entire life. Sarah Kate is a hoodoo woman and a savvy tarot reader. She was nice enough to take the LFT Questionnaire for me, and I’ll let her tell you more.


Thanks, SKate.  xoxoxo!


LFT Questionnaire

 See? One of the best smiles that exists in the known Universe. Even when she's being a goofball.
See? One of the best smiles that exists in the known Universe. Even when she’s being a goofball.

1.  What you appreciate the most in your friends. 

I’ve managed to surround myself with a group of women who are honest and straightforward with each other. None of us have time for cattiness and drama. I love that about my friends.

2.  Your idea of happiness.

Sitting on a bench on the levee across from Jackson Square in New Orleans at sunrise with a bag of beignets and a hot cafe au lait watching the fog rise off the river.

3.  Your idea of misery.

Being in a crowded sports arena when the game is over and everyone stands up to leave at the same time. I don’t do shoulder-to-shoulder crowds.

4.  Where would you like to live?

I’m really happy here in St. Louis. I love this city, love the southside and I really love Fox Park- the neighborhood we live in. If I had to pick somewhere else I’d choose New Orleans, LA or Venice Italy.

5.  Your favorite colors and flowers.

I love most shades of purple, especially rich,dark ones; spring green and lemon yellow. I wear a lot of black.
I like irises in a garden and magnolia blossoms.

6.  Your favorite poets.

Stefene Russell, a local poet, is probably my favorite living poet. I know she’ll blush if she ever hears it. I really love Shel Silverstein for the way he makes my son giggle and Maya Angelou for making big, hurtful things transformative through poetry.

7.  Your heroes/heroines in fiction.

Alanna of Trebond from the Lioness Quartet by Tamora Pierce, Morgaine in Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley, Alabama Whorley in True Romance, Ignatious J. Reily in Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole. 

 Ellen and Sarah Kate - two of the best tarot readers and all around people in St. Louis. (and they're my friends! I know!)
Ellen and Sarah Kate – two of the best tarot readers and all around people in St. Louis. (and they’re my friends! I know!)

8.  What role does divination play in your life?

Divination ties me to my past while it helps me gain insight into the way others perceive the world we live in.
My maternal grandmother read coffee grounds and tea leaves as a form of divination through meditation. I feel her with me whenever I read for someone in this way. It’s really forced me to change my perspective by putting myself in others’ shoes and making me try to see the world through different eyes.

9.  Your heroes/heroines in real life.

Alice Paul, the suffragist. I admire her strength of will and determination. 
Neil Gaiman and Gabriel Garcia Marques because I love the way they both make the magic around us seem mundane and fantastic at the same time. 
Alison “Tootie” Montana, the big chief of the Yellow Pocahontas Mardi Gras Indians. He found a way to turn a violent tradition into a unique form of artistic self-expression. 
My mother, Laurie Buckles.

10.  What is your present state of mind?

My mind is a hamster wheel right now. I’ve got a lot of irons in the fire and I’m trying to keep on top of everything.

11.  What is your favorite tarot deck or divination tool?

I love the Wild Unknown by Karen Krans. I’ve been working with it for about four months now. It is dark and beautiful but it speaks of hope and clarity to me.
Ryan gave me a hoodoo LeNormande style deck that I’m in love with. I’m only reading that for myself right now, it has a very personal feel to it.
I’m studying reading bones, shells and curios right now and I’m having a great time exploring and looking for items to add to my kit. I’m mostly picking up found objects around St. Louis. It’s cool how if you put it out to the universe that you want some tchotcke for your divination kit, the universe answers in spades.

12.  Your favorite songs?

I’ve been listening to a lot of Nick Cave and PJ Harvey lately. The Pixies always. 
I think St. Roch Blues or The Body Electric by Hurray for the Riff Raff are my favorite songs right now.

13.  What is your favorite word?


14.  What is your least favorite word?


15.  What sound or noise do you love?

Trains at night.

16.  What sound or noise do you hate?

. mouth noises, like chewing or lip smacking.

17.  What turns you on?

Kissing. I love kissing.

18.  What turns you off?

Bad breath.

19.  What is your favorite curse word?

I have too many to list. I love cursing. Cock-smoker is near the top of the list. (lft – beautiful.)

20.  If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

“well, you certainly led an interesting life.” My goal since childhood is to refrain from being a dull person.


Thanks, lady. 🙂

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