Oh, I’m sorry. Was that your auntie? Tarot, like any other field, can be chock full of asshats. Both clients and colleagues alike. When you first start reading, you might feel obligated to read for whomever sits in your chair. This can lead to some seriously awful readings. So what do you do? When someone …
F is for Frick #atozchallenge
It’s a super power. I’ve been a swearing girl since college. I was raised by a police officer and went to Catholic School – honestly, they’re lucky swearing is all I do. Anymore. Ahem. Anyway, I used to struggle with the fact that swearing might be unwelcome in my readings. I clearly don’t swear in …
A is for April Blog Thinger #atozchallenge
For the last two years, I’ve been a part of the #atozchallenge , writing 26 blog posts during the month of April. I was a bit distracted with my book (Kitchen Table Tarot) and forgot all about it this year. Until I woke up at 3:30 in the morning on the 6th and realized that …
I feel 100% myself… and that authenticity translates into sessions with my clients.- Dee Fells
I started following Dee Fells on Twitter because her handle is Tarot & Snark, which are two of my favorite things in the whole universe. Since finding her, I’ve also found that she has a great relationship with the cards, is always striving to learn more, is political (like me) and is funny as hell. …
Tarot can help dress your spirit for the weather of your personal journey but unlike the nightly weather forecast, you can change your destiny. Tarot can show you how. – Courtney Weber
I got a copy of Tarot for One from Weiser publishing, and weirdly, had just found Courtney Weber on Twitter. It took me a while (some psychic) to put the two together, and then I did the, OH **YOU’RE** Courtney Weber! Ok! I have your book!” thing. Good grief, but my mind is going. Anyway, …