I found the the series “The Raven Cycle” by ruthlessly judging a book by its cover. I got the audiobooks from my library, and listened to them like it was my job. Only once before have I read a book that portrayed tarot readers as something other than stereotypes. (The Grift by Debra Ginsburg) There …
A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees. -William Blake
The Fool means Jump. Even if you’re afraid. If you keep moving forward, you’re winning. Even if you’re moving forward by centimeters. Even if your forward movement is defined by NOT moving backwards. The base of the card is simplicity. The intent of the Fool is to discover. The passion of the Fool is Adventure. …
Gratitude in all things, no picking and choosing and Let Love Radiate. – Jill Campana
One of the things I’ve enjoyed the most about having the book published is that people let me know what they think of it. I’ve gotten the nicest emails and facebook messages from folks, and it’s been really wonderful. One of those connections was with Jill Campana, a fellow Missouri girl (who lives in Wisconsin) …
Please don’t f*ck with my shit. – Blue Q
One of the things that goes along with being a professional tarot reader is the propensity for deck hoarding. Most tarot decks are delivered in either a cardboard flip box, or an elaborate cigar box style thinger. The flip boxes are flimsy and fall apart pretty quickly, and the cigar boxes are gigantic and hard …
This is the place to begin. – Liz Worth
Liz sent me a copy of her book “Going Beyond the Little White Book” a few months ago. I promptly lost it, because that’s how I do. When I ran into her at Reader’s Studio in New York this month, it took me a second to put the face with the name with the book …