First of all, I totally failed the A to Z challenge, because it’s May, but I’m no quitter, so you get three more posts to finish this off. One of the questions I receive most often from clients is, “Will he/she/they come back?” This is kind of a gallows-humor joke among readers, because it …
N is for Nervous #atozchallenge
I’m a nervous kind of girl. When I was a new reader, I remember having a mild freakout before each reading. That my readings were going to suck, and none of them would be accurate, and the client was going to rise up out of their seat and point at me, shouting, “J’accuse! Shenanigans!” I …
H is for Hostility #atozchallenge
Oh, I’m sorry. Was that your auntie? Tarot, like any other field, can be chock full of asshats. Both clients and colleagues alike. When you first start reading, you might feel obligated to read for whomever sits in your chair. This can lead to some seriously awful readings. So what do you do? When someone …
G is for Gratitude #atozchallenge
What do you do when you have everything you wanted and asked for? You say thank you. This year has been a bit tricky for me. I lost my job, my kid got hurt, my kid had surgery, I got really sick twice (for about a month and a half total) and I got my …
D is for Donation #atozchallenge
Doing tarot readings for charities is a tricky thing for a few reasons, so I’m going to break it down for you. Now, this is for professional readers, not for folks who pull out their cards for an hour or two to help out with the cookie drive, ok? If you are a professional reader …