I got to meet Paige at the Soulful Proprietor workshop in Wisconsin (hosted by Theresa “Badass” Reed). My first impression of her was Holy Shit. There is a lot of Person in that person. Her energy is expansive and positive and kind of like an adrenalin shot right into your aura. Pow! I like this …
Tarot Questionnaire with Benebell Wen #tarot
I recently read an amazing book. The Holistic Tarot by Benebell Wen. When I say read it, I mean I dove headfirst into it. I hesitate to call this a tarot manual. It is that – but it’s also the history of tarot, advice about how to do readings, Benebell’s experiences with divination – AS …

One for Sorrow, Two for Joy – An Interview with Carrie Paris
A few months ago, I spotted something called “The Magpie Oracle” on Carrie Paris’ Facebook page. Historically, I don’t like anything but tarot. I’ve tried runes, tea leaves, playing cards, oracle decks and Lenormand, and all of them have left me missing my cards and generally acting like a brat about anything that isn’t tarot. …
Strength #tarot #tarotmixtapeplaylist
The Strength card is about persistence and composure. I see this come up often in readings where the Querent will need to use really good manners – really put people at ease in order to move things along. Not strong like bull, but strong as in, “I can do this.” It’s about squaring your shoulders …
The true #tarot is symbolism; it speaks no other language and offers no other signs. – A. E. Waite
My very first deck of cards was the Rider Waite deck. You know the one – bright colors and the imagery that we all know. I used it for about 10 years, and then moved on to other decks. One of the reasons I moved away from it, was because the symbolism in some of …