Today is the first day of the first Tarot conference I’ve ever attended, and I’m nervous as hell. I got picked up at the airport by the awesome Jaymi Elford, and at dinner, we were talking about who was going to be here. Guys, some of these people are putting me directly into fangirl mode. …
To have a voice that shows up is daring and it’s heroic. -Jacquelyn Tierney
I meet all of these cool-ass people. I think that’s one of the coolest things about being me. I get to meet amazing people and make new friends all the time. When I die, one of the first things I’m going to tell whoever says Hi next is “OMG thank you for my people!!” Because …
The Hanged Man #tarot #tarotmixtapeplaylist
The Hanged Man is, to me, about potential energy rather than kinetic energy. It’s healing, becoming prepared to act, observing – this isn’t the stillness of one who is lazy or afraid – this is the stillness of someone collecting their resources and getting ready to act. The song I chose for The Hanged Man …
This is not my story to tell. -LFT (on the daily) #tarot #swords
I have pretty strong feelings about gossip. It pisses me off. I don’t know if it’s because of my 20+ years as a social worker (confidentiality!) or my 30ish years reading tarot (confidentiality!!), but I just. Don’t. Like. It. I was in my 30’s, in fact, before I realized that people talked about me after I …
I believe in life and in fun and laughter – Limitless Megan
I went to the Soulful Proprietor workshop in October. It was amazing. I talked about it here and on my Fb page a bit. It was the first Tarot Thing ™ that I’ve ever gone to, and it made the difference, truly, in my decision to keep doing what I do. One of the badass …